Currency conversion
Lexer’s CDXP has the capability to convert currency for you, using the Royal Bank of Australia (RBA) exchange rates, within the hub. Information on RBA rates can be found here.
How it works
Within the CDXP, the country of origin’s currency is converted into AUD, then into the final currency. For example, if converting NZD to USD, NZD would first be converted to AUD, then the AUD converted to USD.
The conversion rate used is the rate stipulated by the RBA the day prior to conversion. It’s important to note that the RBA does not supply the conversion rate on the weekend or public holidays. Conversions will use the last rate supplied by the RBA, which would be the last Australian business day.
What currencies can be converted?
- United States dollar
- Chinese renminbi
- Japanese yen
- European euro
- South Korean won
- Singapore dollar
- New Zealand dollar
- UK pound sterling
- Malaysian ringgit
- Thai baht
- Indonesian rupiah
- Indian rupee
- New Taiwan dollar
- Vietnamese dong
- Hong Kong dollar
- Swiss franc
- Canadian dollar
Need some help?
Please reach out if you have any questions about the conversion process, our Support team are always happy to help. If there are issues with a conversion, it’s also possible to reach out to your Success Manager to request an update to the rate over a period of time.