Getting started with Serve

Serve is the first of its kind. A CDP-powered clienteling tool that lets you capitalize on client data both in store and online, creating a truly hybrid retail experience. 

  1. Gain insights into traffic and team performance

Serve, powered by Lexer’s CDXP, offers unparalleled insights into customer interactions. You can analyze your new and returning customers, capture their shopping motivations and preferences and link this all with their profile in the CDXP. Serve also allows you to gain insights into your store and Sales Associates performance. 

  1. Improve in-store customer experience and ROI

Serve transforms in-store experiences by empowering Sales Associates with a personalized approach. Linking actions to customer segments, the platform guides Sales Associates to deliver a more consistent yet personalized experience, fostering customer loyalty and contributing directly to revenue growth.

  1. Collecting data for post-visit retargeting

Serve helps your Sales Associates collect key customer information to understand and engage customers both online and offline. The collected data, automatically linked to customer profiles in the CDXP, fuels targeted post-visit retargeting efforts, closing the loop for a holistic understanding of customer behavior.

What do I need to get started? 

If you haven’t already, reach out to your Success Manager to discuss getting access to Serve. Setting up Serve doesn’t take long at all if you already have a CDP with Lexer. Your Success Manager will let you know when you are ready to go. 

Once this has been ticked off, follow these steps to get set up: 

  1. Make sure you and/or your Store Managers have the appropriate permissions within the Hub to configure Serve and add users. You will need to be in a group that contains Manage Serve and Access Serve. For more information about Hub permissions check out our Group permissions article
  2. Install Serve on your store devices. 
  3. Adjust your Serve Settings to make sure the Serve layout fits your business needs. Serve can be customized for your business. It can be iterated upon as you figure out how to make it fit in with your Sales Associates usual workflow. It can also be used straight out of the box, it's up to you whether you feel the need to adjust it. 
  1. Set up Serve profiles for yourself and your Sales associates so they can log in, have a look around and get serving! 

Using Serve

Serve is an incredible tool that empowers your team to collect invaluable insights about your customers. These insights are seamlessly integrated into Lexer's CDP to enhance marketing campaigns and encourage more in-store visits. Incorporating Serve into your customer interactions might require a bit of adjustment.

For more information about how to optimize Serve for your team, explore our instructional videos directly within Serve! Simply log in, and tap the bottom-left corner to reveal the side navigation.

Once there, click on "Training Videos".

That’s it! 

This article highlights the strengths of Serve in the retail space and the high level process of getting everything set up and ready to go. If you have any questions, please reach out to Support using the chat in the bottom right hand corner of the page. 

January 24, 2024
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