Troubleshooting Respond

Helpful tips for troubleshooting issues in Respond

This page is dedicated to helping you troubleshoot any errors you experience in Respond.

Troubleshooting Errors

There was an error executing your search. Please try again

This error generally populates when there are one or more errors in your overall search. If the error relates to one particular component or filter in your search, this should show as an additional error at the bottom of your Deep Dive, and could be one of the following:

The date range you have supplied is outside the allowed range, if you need data beyond this boundary please contact Lexer

You can up to the last 90 days on content in Lexer Engage. To view data beyond this date range, head into Activity, where you can pull team stats and analyze conversation history across a greater date range. You can also export the data from here for your own analysis. If this data isn’t what you’re looking for, reach out to your Lexer Success Manager to discuss other options. 

The date you supplied is invalid

If you’ve entered your date into the field manually, this message is to inform you that the format is incorrect. To correct this, the format should be DD/MM/YYYY, and ensuring this is within a 90 day period. 

There are no results

No results have been returned in this search. Your search could be looking for something very specific, and there are no mentions with the criteria you’ve selected. Try broadening your search, then gradually honing in by narrowing your list of source types, author names etc. Also check that your filters aren’t conflicting. For example, your Tier 1 filter is looking for content on social media, but you have a Tier 2 filter that’s looking for new mentions in news articles and forum posts. 

Issue with your Deep Dive

This error will tell you that one of the filters in your search has been formatted incorrectly, or is likely to restrict your search. To follow, will be a helpful pointer to the part of your search causing this, such as:

Using geographical detail is very limiting

Location filters will only pull in content that has geographical data associated with it. If no location data has been supplied by the page/account/author of the content, then this will not be captured in the search. 

One or more of your filters is invalid. Check your query for missing quotes, brackets, ANDs or ORs.

There is an issue with your Boolean in a filter that uses a free text field. Check out our guide to using Boolean language to help correct this. We also recommend using a text editor to clearly spot and fix errors in long strings of Boolean. 


Lexer Engage generally throws an error like this when there’s an external issue, and may be followed by:

Page request limit reached

This happens as a result of low engagement with your Facebook Page. Facebook implements rate limits as a means to prevent spammy accounts. 

Something went wrong when responding

Usually followed by something more specific to the error - generally the native source (Facebook, Twitter etc) preventing you from responding. This may be because the author has blocked responses from your Page, or the source is down/experiencing difficulties. 

Something went wrong performing action

Again, this will usually be followed by a more accurate description of the error, and provide further instruction. For example: “Something went wrong liking object, Facebook may be experiencing issues. Retry after waiting.” 

Not seeing the results you were expecting?

First thing’s first - check your filters. They need to be configured properly to pull in relevant results. Check out our guide to Filtering the Inbox for more information.

Unable to respond to content?

This likely boils down to your permissions. If you don’t have access to the account you’re attempting to respond from, this option won’t be available to you from the ‘Engage from account’ dropdown menu. If that’s the case, reach out to your manager to check, and have your permissions updated. Other reasons for being unable to respond to objects, are that it has since been deleted natively (in which case, the text should appear crossed out in Lexer), or the author has blocked you from being able to respond (whereby you’ll be thrown an error message that outlines this).

Content delayed?

Occasionally, you might find messages appear in your Inbox with a delay. You can confirm this by hovering over the age of the object in your queue (in its top right corner, shown in days/hours/minutes), to see the time in which it was processed. Usually, this should display no more than a minute or two, but if it’s more than that, the likelihood is there’s been a delay in it being delivered to Lexer.

We know that it’s common for some content to be sent to us with delay, and the social networks do not notify us if this happens for a small volume of content. However, if we are noticing a large volume of delayed content, or are experiencing other issues, we’ll reach out to you know, and post updates of any performance issues on our Status Page.

Here are some useful links for more information, or to report a problem:



Still having trouble?

If you still need help, please reach out via the chat in the bottom right of the page.

September 6, 2023
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