Our glossary

Activate - Lexer product that allows you to send audience segments to your integrated marketing and advertising channels.

Activation - Segments that have been sent to your chosen marketing or advertising channel. Activations can be either ongoing (continues to update daily) or once- ff.

Activity - Lexer product that allows you to monitor the performance of your customer service team operating in Respond.

Amazon S3 - Also known as Amazon Simple Storage Service is an object storage service that allows users to store and protect any amount of data for a range of use cases, such as data lakes, websites, mobile applications, backup and restore, archive, enterprise applications, IoT devices, and big data analytics.

API (Application Programming Interface) - Lexer offers a suite of APIs that allow your developers to push and pull your data from the Lexer CDXP, and supporting products and features. These APIs allow you to read and write profiles, transactions, and customer-event data. This information can then interoperate with other systems and platforms, and add new functionality to Lexer products.

Attribute - Any fact we know about an individual customer or prospect. Attributes contain information about purchases, email engagement, web and app analytics, survey responses, and demographics.

Audience Split - Feature of Activate that allows you to split your activated audience into 50/50 or 90/10 for experimentation.

Case - A reporting concept in Activity for measuring conversation metrics.

CDP - A customer data platform is a type of software which creates a persistent, unified customer database that is accessible to other systems. Data is pulled from multiple sources, cleaned and combined to create a single customer profile.

CDXP - The Customer Data and Experience Platform. This is the product that Lexer offers and we transform disconnected data into actionable insights and provide the workflow tools to automate and optimize the customer experiences that drive sales.

Channel - A view of your integrated data destinations in Activate.

Classification - A feature of Respond and Listen that allows you to apply custom classifications (tags) to messages. Report on these classifications in Activity and Listen.

Compare - Lexer product that allows you to compare segments and attributes for insights and reporting.

Context - A feature of Respond that provides a detailed view of the conversation.

Curate - A feature of Visualize to display a stream of curated images on a web page or digital screen.

Data schema - A computing term used to describe data structures, i.e. a database table might have a schema of a name that is a string, an age that is an integer, and a gender that is a string. At Lexer, we map your data schema to ours in order to create attributes.

Dataset - Lexer uses datasets to manage data received from integrated data sources, which have been transformed and organised into Lexer’s standard schema.

Deep Dive - A feature of Respond and Listen that allows you to create a search for conversations.

Deterministic - The simplest kind of identity resolution, called deterministic or rules-based record linkage, generates links based on the number of individual identifiers that match among the available data sets.

Engage - Area of the Lexer Hub that contains Activate, Respond, Schedule, Contact, and Serve.

Enrichment - When discussing CDP data, enrichment describes the process of enriching 1st-party data by unifying it with external data sources, i.e. 3rd-party data.

Group - Permission controls for your team in Lexer. Users are placed into Groups to control access to products, access to integrations, and permissions to use specific functions. Groups are also used for reporting in Activity.

History - A feature of Respond that provides a detailed view of the engagements between the customer and your brand. History includes public and private messages from the customer, as well as notes from your team.

Hub - The Hub is how we refer to the Lexer platform and its associated products. For example, you log into the Hub to access the Segment Builder.

Integration - Account or platform you have connected with your Lexer Hub.

Listen - Lexer product that allows you to monitor social, forum and news content from across the web.

Lexi - Your AI companion for the Lexer Customer Data Platform (CDXP), simplifying attribute exploration, metric tracking, and providing invaluable insights to optimize data efficiency. Learn more here.

Manage - Area of the Lexer Hub that contains Integrations, Team, and Settings.

Matches - The number of posts, comments and messages that are returned for your search.

Measure - Area of the Lexer Hub that contains Track, Activity, Listen, Visualize, and Report.

Plug & Play - Refers to a fully self-service integration with Lexer that can be set up, connected, and ready to use without assistance from the Lexer team.

Probabilistic - Probabilistic record linkage, sometimes called fuzzy matching, takes a different approach to identity resolution by taking into account a wider range of potential identifiers. For each pair of identifiers between records a model estimates a match or a non-match, and using these weights to calculate the probability that two given records refer to the same entity.

Profile - Customer or prospect that exists in your CDP. Profiles are made of Attributes sourced from your customer data, social data, partner and 3rd party data.

Quality Assurance (QA) - One of the stages of data onboarding at Lexer. Our Data Ops team will upload your data files, and then during QA ensure that no valid data has been rejected by the data pipeline/CDE, all jobs have been correctly implemented, and that any inconsistencies in your data are identified.

Report - Lexer product that allows you to create PDF reports from your saved dives in Listen.

Respond - Lexer product that allows you to respond to conversations on social, email and community platforms.

Saved Dive - A saved search in Listen and Respond. Required for building Visualize Screens and Reports.

Schedule - Lexer product that allows you to schedule your social content to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Secure File Upload - Feature of your Lexer Hub for securely uploading customer data to Lexer.

Segment - Lexer product that allows you to create customer segments using any attributes in your CDP. Segments also represent a group of customers you have defined using a saved search of Attribute values.

Segment Builder - A feature of Segment for searching customer profiles using Attributes.

Serve - Lexer Serve, driven by our Customer Data Platform (CDP), transforms in-store interactions. It enhances customer welcomes, empowers Sales Associates with effective engagement strategies, and captures shopper motivations. Detailed customer profiles provide valuable insights into visitor quality and sales opportunities.

SFTP - Activation channel for exporting customer data from Lexer to your internal system. SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is a network protocol that provides file access, file transfer, and file management over any reliable data stream.

Smart Search - Smart Search is Lexer's product and order segmentation tool that helps you create more specific and relational segments.

Source Group - A feature of Respond and Listen used in Tier Filters, allowing you to search for content on a specific integrated channel.

Sources - A view of where data has come from, typically referring to other platforms.

Templates - A feature of Respond that allows you to save message templates to quickly insert into conversations.

Tier Filter - A feature of Listen and Respond that allows you to search for conversations using up to 16 different properties, such as author name, matching terms, and source type.

Understand - Area of the Lexer Hub that contains Segment, Compare, and Analyze.

Unification - When discussing CDPs, unification describes the bringing together of two or more data sets into a single unified view of customer.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) - The final stage of the data onboarding process at Lexer, where users perform a functional test in their Hub to ensure that everything is working as expected.

Visualize - Lexer product that allows you to create customizable live screens to display conversation data.

July 1, 2024
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