Troubleshooting tech issues

Your troubleshooting checklist to help self-diagnose tech problems

​The information here is designed to help overcome any tech issues you're experiencing. Be sure to read over this checklist before diving deeper into the details of specific errors

First thing’s first - the Lexer platform works best when:

  • Using Google Chrome. Check out our guide to choosing the right browser here.
  • You’ve recently cleared your cache.
  • You have recently restarted your computer.

So, if things aren’t working the way they should, first:

  • Check for any known performance issues.
  • Refresh your browser, and/or restart your computer.
  • Clear your cache.
  • Try a different web browser, or incognito window.
  • Check to see if other websites and programs are working on your device.
  • Try disabling any browser extensions you have running - these can occasionally interfere with the Lexer Hub's performance.

If you’ve checked all of these options from your list, below are some more specific solutions.

General troubleshooting - Access and performance

Login issues

Double check your email and password are correct. If you have forgotten your password, you can request a password reset by selecting Need help signing in? > Forgot Password?

If you've entered your credentials correctly, and find yourself in a login 'loop' (unable to proceed past the login page), you may need to disable your password manager, or login through a different/incognito browser

If you still require help, please reach out to Lexer Support on the chat below, or by contacting your organization’s account administrator.

Be sure to also check out the article on Managing your Account for more details.

Data not populating/slow load times

Try not to double-click. This will send a request for things to load twice, and may take twice as long.

Check with your IT department for any known network issues.

Check for any known platform issues.

Review this article to ensure Lexer runs smoothly on your network.

​Confirm that your integrated accounts are still connected to Lexer.

General troubleshooting - Content

No new content in appearing in the Inbox queue

Check you’re logged in to the correct Hub, as some users may have access to more than one.

Check the Tier Filters in your Deep Dive are configured to display open objects.

Confirm you are included in the correct Group Permissions.

Direct Messages aren’t loading, or you haven’t seen any new ones for a while

Check you haven’t timed out - you may need to login again.

Check for any known performance issues.

Check the status of your integration - read more here.

Closed objects are appearing in your Inbox

Check the Tier Filters in your Deep Dive are correct - this should be set to ‘all open objects’ or your company's equivalent. For more information on tier filters, read more here.

I can’t respond to this user/message?

The author has blocked your page so you will be unable to respond.

The object has since been removed or deleted by the user (but will still be visible in Lexer).

The object is old (ie; pre 2014), and if this is the case, you can respond natively.

Further Reading

For more detailed info on troubleshooting content issues, check out our dedicated guides, and please don’t hesitate to contact Lexer Support on the chat below if you have any questions.

​Guide to using Listen​

Troubleshooting Respond​

Guide to using Visualize​

September 11, 2023
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