Grouped messages

Learn how messages group in your inbox

Customers often send multiple messages when getting in touch via social. Instead of closing these one by one, we’ve made it easy to pick up the conversation and start replying.

Your Inbox will group multiple messages sent from the same customer so you don’t need to manually pick up each message. The group of messages will be ordered by your chosen sorting method, and will open the most recent when you click on it. All but the most recent message have the Closed (thread) status applied, so you only need to classify, respond, and close the most recent one.

How to claim a group

Simply click on a group in the New queue to claim ownership of all messages in that group. The newest message will be the one opened for you to classify and action. All previous messages/comments will be closed to the Closed (thread) workflow state. You can access any of the other messages in the group via the History tab.

The messages in the group that you don’t see are automatically assigned to you, and closed out of the workflow. They are updated to the workflow state Closed (thread) and removed from the queue.

Grouping conditions

All source types will group match by the author first - so you will never receive a group containing messages from multiple customers. Each source type also has its own specific grouping logic. Below are the types of messages that we group in your inbox:

Source type Grouping conditions
Facebook messages In the same thread, by the same author. Includes surveys.
Facebook comments On the same post, by the same author.
Facebook posts With comments on the post, by the same author.
Twitter messages In the same thread, by the same author. Includes surveys.
Twitter tweets In reply to the same tweet, by the same author.
Instagram comments On the same post, by the same author.
Emails In the same thread, by the same author. Includes surveys.
Khoros messages In the same thread, by the same author.


What happens if a new message comes in after I’ve picked up a group?

New messages that are not in your Inbox at the time of picking up a group will not be actioned. Only messages that exist in the group at the time of claiming ownership will be closed in thread.

When are the groups of messages created?

Groups are created when the Inbox is refreshed.

How does grouping work with Bulk Action?

Bulk action does not group messages - you can still action these individually.

How do I assign a group of messages to someone else?

Assigning messages to teammates is done exactly the same. Simply change the owner of the message you have opened. You don’t need to worry about changing any of the additional messages closed in the thread.

Does this grouping occur in Lexer Listen?

Grouping of messages only occurs in the Engage Inbox, and is designed to help you quickly claim a conversation and start replying. Grouping does not occur in Listen or any other product.

September 19, 2022
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