Getting started with Contact

Showing your customers some love is a critical step for any retailer that wants to nurture, grow or retain their market share. Companies with impactful personalization have on average 40% higher revenue. With Contact, you can quickly personalize and shoot off loads of messages in no time!

How does it work?

Contact allows you to quickly, and easily send truly personalized messages to customers using Lexi AI! Each message is crafted for the customer, with the knowledge of the whole CDXP to personalize the message.  Lexi will also incorporate your brand values, tone, and your role in the business. These messages are not only tailored for the customer but also customized to align with your role, ensuring they are sent from the right team member during those critical windows of opportunity that lead to conversions. It's truly a game changer for one-to-one customer outreach allowing you to drastically improve engagement in a way that was extremely challenging and costly to scale before now.

A few things need to be done before you can start sending messages with Contact: 

  1. Integrate your email
  2. Review the default queues
  3. Optional: Create a new queue if none of the default queues suit your needs
  4. Send a message

First step: Integrate your email platform

Before we get started using Contact, you will need to ensure you have integrated your email platform. Follow the instructions in this article to configure your email server to Contact. 

Needs some help building queues?

To help speed things up we can provide suggestions for some common audiences to target, have a chat with your Success Manager about the queues that would help you kick things off. We can create these queues for you and your team so you have a starting point, feel free to edit these in your Hub if you have improvements in mind.

Some of our suggested queues: 

Queue profile counts
The number next to the queue in Contact indicates the number of profiles within the queue. This may vary from the number of users in the Segment used. Contact will exclusively include users who possess the 'email' attribute. Users lacking this standard email will be omitted from the queue. Its recommended to add the standard 'email' attribute to the "PROFILES MUST HAVE ALL OF THESE" filter in any Segments you'd like to use for Contact.

Some pre-built segments your Success manager may have set up for you are:

Queue name


Related attributes

New high AOV ecommerce customers

First order placed in ecommerce in the last day and is higher than the channel average 

First name

First order product name

Recommended product name

New high AOV retail customers

First order placed in store in the last day and is higher than the channel average 

First name

First order product name

Recommended product name

New ecommerce customers fast to repeat purchase

Second order in ecommerce in the last 7 days within X days of their first order

First name

Last order date

Last order product name

New retail customers fast to repeat purchase

Second order in retail in the last 7 days within X days of their first order

First name

Last order date

Last order product name

New 70th percentile customers

Entered the top 70th spend percentile in the last 7 days - on their way to the top 20%

First name

First order date

Last order date

New 95th percentile customers (top 5%)

Entered the top 95th spend percentile in the last 7 days - have the potential to be top 1%

First name

First order date

Last order date

High-value single category

Multiple orders but have only shopped in one category. Encourage to expand into another

First name

Last product category

Recommended product name

High-value cooling off

No recent order and at risk of becoming inactive. Encourage to shop again now

First name

Last order date

Last order product name

Recommended product name

High-value low NPS

A high-value customer provided a low NPS score (6 or below)

First name

First order date

High-value inactive survey

High-value customers who are at risk of becoming lapsed - capture feedback via survey

First name

First order date

Last order date

High-value lapsed winback

High-value customers who have lapsed

First name

Last order date

Last order product name

Sending messages to existing queues

Once integrated, you can set everything up and get sending!

  1. Navigate to Engage > Contact
  2. Select the queue you would like to review and send messages from. 
  3. Review each message making edits where needed.
It's recommended that you review each message carefully. Adding some extra detail and making sure everything reads correctly is a good practice when using AI. The other benefit of reviewing each message is you can sprinkle links to your website into the copy where relevant, and adjust the formatting of the text to make the message really pop. You can find details on how to do this later in this article.

        4. Click Send message when you’re happy with the final message. 

Editing messages before sending

Editing messages is a breeze with Contact’s rich text editor. You can add in emoji’s for a pop of color, format the text, and add in hyperlinks. Together these tools can help you to further customize your message for the customer and suggest actions for them to take. Follow these steps to modify your message. 

Format your text

Formatting the text is pretty straight forward. Just highlight the text you want to format and click the relevant button. You can use bold, italics, underline, add [.code]code snippet formatting[.code] for things like promo codes and even combine any number of these so they really stand out. 

Add a hyperlink

  1. Highlight the text you want to turn into a hyperlink.
  2. Click on the hyperlink icon below the text. 
  1. Add the URL you want to link to and hit enter.

Add an emoji

You can add emojis using your standard emoji keyboard or click on the emoji icon at the bottom of the text box. 

Create a new queue

Once you have the hang of the pre-build queues, or if they aren’t suited to your needs, create your own using and segment in the hub. For a refresher on how to build segments, read our Learn article here

Before we create a queue, make sure you’ve built a segment that you would like to target. For this example, we will keep it simple and use a simple segment “New customers (30 days)”. 

To create a new queue to send messages to a specific segment, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Understand > Segment
  2. Add the Segment you would like to target to the Segment Builder.
  3. Click arrow, icon to open the segment settings. 
  1. Click on the Engage tab. 
  2. Click the Create a queue for this segment button. 
  1. This will open up the detailed settings for this queue with 3 tabs: Summary, Brief and Preview. 
  1. The Summary tab requires you to provide the following:
  • Name the queue
Queue names can't be changed
Once you save a queue the name cannot be changed. If you need to change the name of a queue, you will need to create a new queue and remove the old one.
  • Provide a description.
This is the name and description that will show up in Contact so make sure they provide enough information for all of your Contact users.
  • Choose a color.
  • Type the sender's details.
  • Choose the default channel that the communication will be sent from.
  1. The Brief tab allows you to add specific instructions that guide the creation of messages. These should be concise and in bullet point form. Below this, specify which attributes you want the model to have access to in the Included Profile Attributes, these can be referred to in the message to the customer.
Make sure you are selective when choosing the attributes you would like Lexi to use here. We would recommend you only use attributes you don’t mind your clients seeing. For example it's best to avoid using churn risk as Lexi will include this in the message.

In the example below I have specified that I would like to “Refer to the product they have purchased and suggest another product”. In order for the AI model to effectively use this information I have added the Product Name attribute. 

Don't like emojis? Want to add a static discount code?
Lexi has some standard writing guidelines and behaviours,that you can override, if desired. If you want to change the content or formatting of generated messages, eg. to stop Lexi from including emoji, you can add instructions to the brief.

Want to add URLs to your brief?

If you would like to add a hyperlink to your Contact messages, you can add a bullet point to include the whole URL. For example:

Alternatively, if you would like to include the URL as a hyperlink rather than a potentially large and ugly URL you can include some more instruction. For example:

  • Remind the customer of our informative Blog directing them to the following URL (https://lexer.ioblogs/news), but make sure to include it as the hyperlink "check out our blog".
  1. The Preview tab allows you to create a sample message to one of the profiles in the segment you have selected. You can use this to determine whether there might be any necessary changes to the prompts.

You can regenerate messages a few times to get a good feel for the messages that will be created. If you want to adjust the prompts, just head back to the Brief tab and make some changes, then head to the Preview tab to see if you like the new output.

The better the preview messages, the less work you will have to do to tidy up the messages later in the process. 

Add URLs to your brief

If you would like to add a hyperlink to your Contact messages, you can add a bullet point to include the whole URL for example:

  • Remind the customer of our informative Blog directing them to https://lexer.ioblogs/news

Alternatively if you would like to include the URL as a hyperlink rather than a potentially large and ugly URL you can include some more instruction. For example:

  • Remind the customer of our informative Blog directing them to the following URL (https://lexer.ioblogs/news), but make sure to include it as the hyperlink "check out our blog".

Editing or deleting queues

There are two ways to edit a queue, within contact or within Segment.

Edit queues in contact

  1. Navigate to Engage > Contact.
  2. Click Edit Queue in the top right.

        3. Make your edits to the queue, navigating between all 3 tabs, and click save on the "review" tab.

Queue names can't be changed
Once you save a queue the name cannot be changed. If you need to changet the name of a queue, you will need to create a new queue and remove the old one.

Edit queues in Segment

To edit a queue, find the segment in the Segment Builder. 

  1. Navigate to Understand > Segment
  2. Add the Segment you would like to target to the Segment Builder.
  3. Click on the chevron, or “greater than”, icon to open the segment settings. 
  1. Click on the Engage tab. 
  2. Under the Queues for this segment section, you will see the queues that have been set up related to this segment. To edit, click on the edit icon on the right.

        6. If you want to delete the queue, click on the delete icon to the right of the edit icon.

Monitor the success of Contact

✨Coming soon ✨



How many messages can I send per day?

No cap for early adopter clients.

Where do messages go once sent? Can I respond?

Responses will appear in your integrated email account. You may choose to use Lexer Respond unified inbox to manage responses, the same way you would for other customer service emails.

Do I also need Respond for Contact to work?

You could choose to manage the email responses natively. However, Respond will provide more attribution, reporting, and ROI tracking.

What happens when I skip?

If skipped, a customer won’t show up in that queue again. But they may still appear in other queues. (we aim to provide more controls in future).

What channels are supported?

Email now. SMS and chat to come.

Who is my data shared with?

Only the necessary data is shared with our AI partner, no PII. This can be controlled (via Lexi).

How often are queues refreshed?

Queues are automatically refreshed every 24hrs as we receive new data from your integrated accounts.

Can a customer appear in a queue multiple times?

Once sent, the customer is removed from that queue. And won’t be added to that queue again.

Are the emails sent by Lexer or by our ESP?

The emails are sent by Lexer using a client's email address that they integrate into Lexer.

That’s a wrap!

In this article we introduced Contact, our Lexi powered customer outreach feature. We discussed the benefits and how to use Contact to create more personalized messaging with your customers. If you have any questions or need some help, please reach out to Support using the chatbot in the bottom right.

July 2, 2024
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