Facebook data

How does Lexer connect with Facebook?

Lexer integrates directly with both the Pages and Marketing APIs provided by Facebook. In this article we’ll explain what data we currently support through these APIs, and how they might impact your work in Lexer.

Facebook for Insight and Customer Service

Lexer can consume public content from Public Facebook pages we are actively monitoring. This permits us to consume most posts and comments made on pages. With an integrated Facebook account we consume 100% of comments and posts made to a page, as well as consuming all Private Messages sent to, and created by that account.

In the context of Insight & Service, Lexer can monitor content in two ways:

  • Client owned pages
  • Public pages

Client owned pages

This is a Facebook page owned by your brand, and linked to at least one personal Facebook page. An example of an owned page is Lexer’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CampLexer

With this integrated, Lexer can consume the following:

  • Posts
  • Comments (and author information)
  • Direct messages
  • Dark posts
  • Dark post comments
  • Facebook reviews
  • Facebook review comments

Public pages

Lexer consumes content from many public Facebook pages, but not all of them. If you would like Lexer to monitor a public Facebook page that is not owned by you, you can add up to 15 public pages to an integrations. For more information about how to set this up yourself have a look at monitor public pages.

When we monitor a public Facebook page we receive the following:

  • Posts
  • Comments

Lexer Schedule and Facebook

With an integrated Facebook Page as described above, you can schedule and publish Posts right from Lexer Schedule. For more information on publishing with Lexer Schedule see our Guide to using Schedule.

September 19, 2022
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