Lexer's ultimate troubleshooting guide

Helpful tips, tricks, explanations, and fixes for errors around the platform

This guide is designed to help you troubleshoot any issues you encounter in the Lexer platform, and better understand what your error messages mean. 

Generally, if you receive an error message when performing an action in the Lexer platform, the message will contain information to help you diagnose the problem. But what do you do to resolve them? Below are some examples of common errors and roadblocks, and how to overcome them.

Lexer tip
Can't find what you're looking for? Reach out to our friendly Support team on the chat below, or get in touch with your Lexer Success Manager

General performance issues

If you're experiencing general slowness, or struggling to load or switch your page, the first place we're going to get you to check is our status page: status.lexer.io. 

This is where we'll report any current issues or incidents that might be affecting your performance. If this is all clear then check out our Tech Troubleshooting article for the steps we'd recommend to help diagnose the problem.

Lexer tip
If you notice a yellow header across the top of your browser telling you that there's a network connection issue then this is referring to your internet connection. We'd recommend running a speed test: https://fast.com/ and check in with your IT team if you continue to experience issues.


Understand gives you the tools to learn more about your customers. In this area, you can query individual profiles, segment your customers, and compare them to find meaningful insights. 

If you're just getting started, or need a refresher on using these tools, check out these handy guides first:


In the initial stages of building a segment, there aren't too many things that can go wrong. Here, you're just exploring, and building a segment of customers, using your data to provide meaning and insight. But there may be the odd occasion when things don't go according to plan.

One of those things might be a low volume of profiles returned, or none at all. 

Errors you may encounter when this happens:


HUH? NOTHING TO SEE HERE…You’re looking in the right place, but your search may be too specific to generate results. Try removing attributes or using different segments to expand your search.

This generally means you'll have compiled attributes into your segment builder that conflict, so check through them to make sure you haven't tried to add two attributes that cancel each other out, such as "is a customer" and "is a prospect". 

This means that the attribute you're attempting to use may have been retired.

Ok, now you've successfully made your segment, but when you run it, you encounter the following error:



Seems pretty self-explanatory, right? Well, now we're going to look at how to fix a broken segment. 

By clicking on the “Edit Segment” button, we can open it up and see more info around how it's configured, and which part of the search is broken.

Check out our full guide to fixing a disabled segment here.


Something's missing from your search. 

This error will have a description, such as "Sorry, we can't run an empty search. Try adding some attributes or segments to get started". 

If the message relayed here doesn't make sense, please reach out to Lexer Support on the chat below.



UH OH, SOMETHING WENT WRONG. We're sorry, but we encountered an issue when trying to generate this comparison. Please try again later.

Please reach out to Lexer Support on the chat below - there may be an issue with one or more of the attributes being used in your segments 

Not seeing the results you were expecting, or received an error telling you the comparison can't be generated?

Check that the segments or attributes you're attempting to compare do not conflict, and have contrasting values you can actually use to compare. Compare is actually designed to compare apples and oranges, you wouldn't compare apples with apples here, as they're the same - not much insight in that!


Engage is where you'll head to interact with your customers. Here you can connect directly via social and service accounts, and send audiences to integrated platforms for marketing. 

If you're just getting started, or need a refresher on using these tools, check out these handy guides first:


Activate is a tool used to send a segment of customers from Lexer as an audience to your preferred integrated account. Activate relies firstly on the connection to an external account, but also on the conditions set by that account, in order to receive the audience successfully.

We're going to run through some of the errors you may see that present an issue from the Lexer side of things, which we can help you troubleshoot here. But we’ll also provide you with the information we've located to help diagnose any issues you may encounter when activating to these accounts.

Lexer tip
If you're looking for a quick diagnosis on a failed activation, you may find what you're looking for in our Troubleshooting Activate article.

Audiences sent from Lexer are queued up to send one at a time, so if you have a few running at the same time, you may, on occasion, be presented with one of the following errors:


End of file reached

This may be presented if your activation has timed out, which can happen as a result of sending a larger audience, or lots of audiences at the same time.  

We'd recommend first attempting to run it again, and at a time when there are few/no others running in tandem.

Activation job timed out

As above, we recommend waiting for other activations to finish running, and try sending this again. 

If your activation continues to fail, please reach out to Lexer Support on the chat below. 

Other errors may include:


AdsCommon:: Errors:: UnexpectedParametersError: [:hashed_first_name]

There may be something wrong with your activation configuration. 

In this example, the attribute listed in [square brackets] is missing from a configuration. 

If you notice something like this, please reach out to Lexer Support on the chat below to fix this for you.

429 Too Many Requests

This issue is similar to when we see activations time out. 

This error tells us specifically that too many activations are being sent at once, so we'd recommend waiting until there are fewer pending, or still running in your queue.  

Occasionally, we'll see generic errors that include the word “failed” or “failure” that are returned from the integrated account you're attempting to send your audience to. A good place to start here, is to check that the account is still connected to Lexer via Manage > Integrations

Lexer tip
If your Ongoing Activation continues to fail after a number of attempts, it will auto-disable, and land in your “Once-off Activations”. From here, we’d recommend reviewing the segment and activation settings, before attempting to send again.

If your connection is fine, we'd also recommend that you check the status of the integrated account's platform, to ensure everything is running as expected. Not all platforms have status pages that are publicly available, but here are some we found:


Respond consolidates all of your social and service channels into a single workflow, for you to easily communicate with your customers from one place. 

With this is mind, if you encounter any errors there are some things to consider:

  • Check that the account you're attempting to reply from is still connected via Manage > Integrations
  • Here are some guides if you need a refresher, and please note that you require integrator permissions to be able to to this:
  • Check that the permission Groups attached to the integrated account match those on your user profile. Please note that you require admin permissions to be able update permissions further, so we recommend reaching out to your manager or Lexer admin to help you with this.
  • If you're encountering issues for one particular source (Facebook or Twitter, for example) there's a good chance that particular source is having issues on their platform. So first, we'd recommend checking the following platforms' status pages:

If the issue you're encountering is related to more than one source, and you're receiving an error message, you may be able to reference this error in our Respond Troubleshooting guide. Please reach out on the chat below if not, and we'll be happy to look into it for you.

External errors

Some platforms have rules around the way you reply, or the content included in your reply, and an error message explaining this will be displayed as such. Some examples of these we've encountered are:


This message is sent outside of the allowed time window to reply, as governed by Facebook Messenger Policy. Please wait for the customer to send another message, or try replying within Facebook Business Manager.

Original error: type: OAuthException, code: 10, error_subcode: 2018278, message: (#10) This message is being sent outside the allowed window. Learn more about the new policy here x-fb-trace-id: HiXQgETEp7u [HTTP 400]

There's quite a lot of information in this, including a url that references the policy. 

It's always a good idea to read through an error message for helpful tips and advice. 

In this case, Facebook introduced a policy to prevent companies from spamming private profiles, by limiting the amount of time they have to reply before a conversation closes. Instructions on a workaround for this are included in the error message. 

Facebook is blocking your response <link>. Your content couldn't be shared, because this link goes against our Community Standard

In this error, the <link> will actually tell you what is being blocked. 

Here's some info around Facebook's Community Standards that may help you rework your reply to ensure these are met: Facebook community standards

We'd recommend removing the url link, and instead, inserting information in plain text that directs your customer to the right place.


We like to think Schedule is a very simple tool to use, and your workflow in this area is generally quick and easy. This isn't to say things can't go wrong, so there are a few pointers here to help you move quickly through any errors you encounter.


Image too large

To upload an image for posting, you’ll need to post content fitting the dimensions correct to the channel you’re posting on.

For reference, these are the file sizes accepted by social channels you can publish content to via Schedule:

  •  Twitter - 5mb
  •  Facebook - 100mb

Accepted file types for these channels are:

  • Twitter - GIF, JPEG, PNG, WebP, MP4 & MOV (mobile only)
  • Facebook - full list here

Content failed to send?

Check that the account you're attempting to publish to is still connected, and that your permissions match those attached to that account. Scroll up to our Respond section in this article to read more about connecting your accounts, and your permission Groups.


Measure is your one stop shop for monitoring, tracking, and reporting. Here you can watch how your segments trend over time, view your team's performance, monitor mentions of your brand online, and produce a variety of both live and static reports.

If you're just getting started, or need a refresher on using these tools, check out these handy guides first:


New to using Track? Check out our handy guide and video walkthrough here.

Not seeing the numbers you were expecting? 

If you think something's wrong with the numbers you're seeing in Track, we'd recommend heading to Segment, and running a search on the segment this relates to. Check out the other attributes applied to the profiles in your segment, and make sure everything makes sense. If it doesn't, please reach out to our friendly Support team on the chat below, and we'll be happy to look into it.

Can't find a metric you're looking for?

It may not have been made yet! Head in to Segment, and apply your desired metrics to your segment. See the Track Overview article above for more info on how to do this.

Difference between population metric in Track versus audience size in Segment?

Your segment may have changed in the time between the Track metric being recorded, and now. Let's say the Track metric was recorded at 7am, and your Hub is refreshed with new data at 8am the same day, your metric may not match the volume of the segment until the following day when the metric is recorded again. 

No historical data showing?

Track metrics are recorded from the day they're created. We'd recommend setting up metrics you use often on any new segments you make, so that they're ready to go, and also have a history, when you begin actively tracking them.


Something went wrong when refreshing the metrics for this dashboard. Please try again later.

This error may be shown if your search has timed out. The more data you're trying to retrieve  at once, the longer it may take to load, so we'd recommend trying the following to help increase load times and performance:

  • Reduce the number of charts and metrics on your dashboard. If there are any dashboards, or charts on a dashboard that you're no longer using, give your Hub a little spring clean, and remove those you don't need. 
  • Reduce the date range you're searching for to lower the amount of data trying to populate your dashboard
  • Follow the steps in this guide to ensure your system, and your Hub have the best chance of running as expected: 


All of your team's performance and activity stats in one place - the function of this area is pretty straight forward, but there are a lot of numbers. Here are a couple of pointers to help you decipher them.

Why is there such a big difference between the 'Involved' and 'Responses' metrics? 

The ‘Involved’ metric is how many objects you’ve had some involvement in, whether that be reassigning, adding Classification tags, or leaving a note. ‘Responses’ relates directly to the objects you’ve replied to, so will generally be lower.

But what if an agent is dealing with serial messagers? They would appear to have done more work than others, right? 

Not necessarily. The number of responses is a good way to quantify the time it's taken to get through their workflow. However, if you head on over to the Cases tab, you'll find a more accurate representation of the number of end-to-end conversations an agent has had, when you're wanting a view of the overall picture, rather than the number of individual responses.

Why would the 'Involved in' count be higher than the 'Total Messages' count?

The 'Involved In' count will return all of the messages in this date range that are currently assigned, or have previously been assigned to this user. There may be messages in this date range where the user once had ownership of these messages but now they are assigned to someone else.

What's the difference between 'Customer wait time' and 'Agent response time'?

Customer wait time: How long the customer waited from the moment they created an object, through to the agent’s first response.

Agent response time: The median time it takes for agents to send the first response to a customer, recorded from the time the agent took ownership, through to the agent’s first response.

There's information on conversations that I can't see in Activity, is there another way to view this?

There certainly is! If you head to the SLA tab, the Responses table actually holds a wealth of information about your agents' conversations. You can click on these entries in Activity to expand the conversation, and see more about them individually. However, if you export the results, not only can you view all entries at once, and cut up your data your own way - you can view other fields relevant to each conversation that don't appear in the table.


If something's wrong with your search, we try to offer a message that provides some insight to help you debug. Here are some errors you may encounter, and what they mean.

“There was an error executing your search. Please try again”

This generally populates when there are one or more errors in your overall search. If the error relates to one particular component or filter in your search, this should show as an additional message at the bottom of your Deep Dive, and could be one of the following:


The date range you have supplied is outside the allowed range, if you need data beyond this boundary please contact Lexer

You can search up to the last 400 days of content in Lexer Listen, in 90 day blocks. 

To view data beyond this date range, head into Activity, where you can analyze conversation history across a greater date range. 

You can also export the data from here for your own analysis. 

If this data isn’t what you’re looking for, reach out to Lexer Support (support@lexer.io) to discuss other options.

The date you supplied is invalid

If you’ve entered your date into the field manually, this message is to inform you that the format is incorrect. 

To correct this, the format should be DD/MM/YYYY, and ensure the range is no more than 90 days.

There are no results

No results have been returned in this search. 

Your search could be looking for something very specific, and there are no mentions with the criteria you’ve selected. 

Try broadening your search, then gradually hone in by narrowing your list of source types, author names etc.

Also check that your filters aren’t conflicting. For example, your Tier 1 filter is looking for content on social media, but you have a Tier 2 filter that’s looking for new mentions in news articles and forum posts. 

Our article on finding conversations may be insightful for this type of search.


This error will tell you that one of the filters in your search has been formatted incorrectly, or is likely to restrict your search. To follow, will be a helpful pointer to the part of your search causing this, such as:


Using geographical detail is very limiting

Location filters will only pull in content that has geographical data associated with it. 

If no location data has been supplied by the page/account/author of the content, then this will not be captured in this search.

One or more of your filters is invalid. Check your query for missing quotes, brackets, ANDs or ORs.

There is an issue with your boolean in a filter that uses a free text field. 

Check out our guide to using boolean logic to help correct this. 

We also recommend using a text editor to clearly spot and fix errors in long strings of boolean.

If you can't find what you're looking for, or need further help in Listen, please reach out to our friendly Support team on the chat below. 


You may receive the below error in Visualize:

“There was an error executing the search. Please try again.”

If you do, here's what to look for:

  • Date: First of all, check your date range. If you’ve selected a date that’s in the future - no data will populate, and you’ll receive this error instead. Similarly, check that the date range doesn’t exceed 90 days. Lexer Listen, Respond, and Visualize all show content from the last 90 days. If you’d like to see data from beyond this date range, head into Activity, or reach out to Lexer Support on the chat below to discuss other options.
  • Saved dives: Head into Listen, and check that the Saved Dive/s powering your Visualize Screen are actually pulling in content, and make any necessary changes to them here, to ensure the results are relevant.
  • Save your work: If you’re testing the screen share view, Curate screen view, or API link view - first make sure you’ve saved your current screen.

Through Visualize, you can make a Curate screen. If you'd like to know more about this, here's a handy guide, which includes its own troubleshooting section: 



When it comes to integrating accounts, we're relying on external platforms to provide us with the information we need to successfully connect. 

For the most part, connecting your accounts to Lexer is smooth sailing, and you can find out more about integrating them here: https://learn.lexer.io/all-integrations

However, there are occasional errors we see, and the list below should help you troubleshoot these:


There is an issue with an integrated account

This error will usually appear to let you know that one or more of your integrated accounts has become disconnected, or requires attention. 

The status of the account in question will have changed from green 'OK', to either amber or red, with more info available on the problem when you click on the account to open.

server error/error code/5XX

This error is referencing an external issue, and we'd recommend checking the status page of the account you're trying to connect. 

Not all platforms have status pages that are publicly available, but below are some we found:

Failed to authorize integration. Invalid credentials

This suggests that the login credentials you're entering to connect or reconnect your account are incorrect. 

We'd recommend trying to log into the native account to make sure you can access it without issue.

Account is not active. Current status is:3

This is usually displayed when there's action required on the account you're attempting to connect to Lexer.

We recommend logging into the account natively, and checking that everything is up to date and complete, and that there are no red flags or notifications for things that may require your attention.

error": Something went wrong

This is an error we most commonly see when attempting to integrate Facebook accounts, but has been sent from other platforms too. 

While very generic, we've come to learn that this is actually an error sent by the native account when you don't have the correct permissions to integrate to a third party platform.

We recommend logging in to the native account, and ensuring you have full access (preferably 'admin' permission), before attempting to connect to Lexer again.

Here are some common questions we've also received about integrations:

Why does an account lose connection to Lexer?

Generally, we lose connection when something has changed on the external account, such as the login credentials, or the admin roles (maybe someone has just been added to, or left your team?). The authentication is removed in these instances to protect the security of your account.

The other reasons we may lose connection are simply that the authentication period has expired, or that the external platform is experiencing technical issues.

I've integrated my account, why is it not showing in Activate?

Some accounts need to be manually configured by Lexer once you've connected them. If you don't see your account in Activate, please reach out on the chat below, or contact your Lexer Success Manager to have this set up for you.

Why can't I see the 'Integrate' button when I go to connect a new account?

You don't currently have the correct permissions in Lexer to do this. We recommend reaching out to your Lexer admin internally to update your profile.

What's next?

Didn't find what you were looking for? Please reach out on the chat below to speak to our friendly Support team, and we'll be happy to help you find what you need, or troubleshoot any issue you're having.

September 7, 2023
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