
Want to see what the team has been working on? Here you'll find updates about what's new, improved and fixed.

Klaviyo: Updated API to V3
June 21, 2024
📈 Improved

Activation to Klaviyo is now using Klaviyo API V3. Preliminary stats show that this is at least twice as fast at sending profiles to Klaviyo!

Campaign Monitor: New features!
June 21, 2024
📈 Improved

The Campaign Monitor integration now supports email send events and now includes campaign information on send, open and click events.

Serve: Order value formatting
June 7, 2024
📈 Improved

Serve: We improved the formatting of order values to prevent showing too many decimals.

Contact: Bug fix
June 7, 2024
🐛 Fixed

Contact: We fixed an issue causing new contact messages to appear and disrupt your view of the message you’re currently working on.

Respond: Bug fix
June 7, 2024
🐛 Fixed

Respond: we fixed a bug causing public Facebook Comments from appearing as deleted.

Datasets: Filtering and Alphabetical Datasets
June 7, 2024
🌟 New

Datasets can now be filtered and are sorted alphabetically.

Shopify: Import Inventory data
May 27, 2024
🌟 New

The Shopify integration now allows Inventory data to be imported into Shopify datasets.

My Guest List: Improved notifications
May 27, 2024
📈 Improved

Disabled the checking of disconnections for My Guest list. This reduces the number notifications in client’s inbox.

Facebook API upgraded
May 10, 2024
🌟 New

The Facebook marketing activation and CAPI integration have been updated to version 19 of the Facebook Marketing API. This Facebook CAPI integration will now send order ids (if available) as event_id in CAPI events. This enables Meta to automatically de-duplicate server and pixel events provided that the pixel is configured with a matching event_id.

Generic SFTP: Bug fix
May 10, 2024
🐛 Fixed

Fixed a bug in the Generic SFTP activation related to Attrs key error.

Emarsys: A/B testing bug fix
April 12, 2024
🌟 New

Want to delve deeper into your campaign audiences from Emarsys, now you can with a more granular ability to differentiate audiences sent from Emarsys. Emarsys A/B testing campaigns for example were being recombined when sent to the Hub. We have adjusted this so all audiences have distinct names that differentiate them from one another in the Hub. Read more about this update and how these A/B splits are presented in the Hub in our Emarsys Learn article.

DotDigital: New data field
April 12, 2024
🐛 Fixed

DotDigital activations will no longer automatically generate a new data field based on the activation's audience tag name. This change was made due to DotDigital's new restriction on the number of fields allowed per account, which affects the number of activations from Lexer.

Facebook online: order ID
April 12, 2024
🌟 New

The Facebook CAPI integration now supports including an “order_id” in the events sent to Meta. This includes order IDs which help Meta to deduplicate events. Check out the Learn article here.

Emarsys: Unopened or clicked campaigns
April 12, 2024
🐛 Fixed

Our Emarsys integration now supports loading Campaigns that are sent but not yet opened or clicked into the Campaign Event Attributes.

Activity: Bug fixes
March 29, 2024
🐛 Fixed

We fixed a bug preventing you from seeing the filtered list of NPS responses.

Attentive: Bug fixes
March 15, 2024
🐛 Fixed

Fixed processing of Attentive campaign names that appear under the “SMS Campaigns Sent” and “SMS Campaigns Clicked” attributes.

Contact: Edit queues more easily
March 1, 2024
🌟 New

Editing queues just got a whole lot easier! You can now edit your queue directly from the Contact workflow instead of needing to navigate to Segment. This is a huge time saver when you’re still figuring out the brief and details of you’re workflow. Once edited, your contact workflow will automatically regenerate any existing messages using your updated brief/configuration.

Google CAPI: Upgraded Google's API
March 1, 2024
🐛 Fixed

We have upgraded Google's API version to version 14.

Facebook Ads: Bug fixes
March 1, 2024
🐛 Fixed

Fixed a bug with the integration of Facebook Ad accounts that prevented some users who had “non-owner” access to at least one other Ad account from connecting the accounts they did own.

Attentive: Bug fixes
February 16, 2024
🐛 Fixed

Fixed several issues that were preventing the Attentive activation from working properly. The Attentive activation is now more robust and every SMS subscribed profile imported from Attentive should now have a mobile/phone attribute.

Google Ads: Bug fixes Copy
February 16, 2024
🐛 Fixed

Clients will now receive less account disconnection emails from the Google Ads integration.

Contact: Contact reports launched 🚀
February 16, 2024
🌟 New

Contact reports have been launched! 🎉 Measure the impact of proactively engaging customers with Lexer’s AI Messaging tool. Understand your team’s activity (messages sent, active users) and the impact to revenue (conversion rate, sales generated, revenue per message sent).

Google Ads: Version update
February 2, 2024
🌟 New

Updated the Google Ads API version: We have added additional terms and condition into Google Ads activation and upgraded Google Ads to use version 15. If you have a Google Ads integration, you will need to accept Google's new terms within the Hub.

Serve: QR code POS scanning
January 19, 2024
🌟 New

Serve now makes it easier to look up customers in your Point of Sale (PoS) system. You can now click the QR Code icon in the top left corner of the profile page to view a QR Code that is scannable by most Barcode scanners. Scanning this QR Code will enter the customer’s email address into your PoS system for easy lookup.

Serve reports: Serve team engagement
January 19, 2024
🌟 New

We added a new “Surveys Conducted” chart to the Serve Team Engagement report. This chart counts the number of form submissions completed by each Serve form configured in this hub. It helps managers and head office understand which surveys are being used by their retail staff and the number of profiles that have been updated with new information collected in these surveys.

Serve: Conversion report deployed 🚀
December 15, 2023
🌟 New

Serve Conversion Report has been deployed! Serve Conversion reports will empower you to measure the effectiveness of your sales performance and understand how retail store teams are serving their customers using different benchmarks eg. conversion rate, total orders etc.

Serve report: Improvements
December 15, 2023
📈 Improved

Serve reports now have the ability to filter by:

  • Team
  • Location

These filters persist across report pages. You can also now use the URL to share reports. Anonymous visits are included on reports by inferring the client from the customer or the store location.

LiveRamp: Timestamp
December 15, 2023
🌟 New

Our LiveRamp integration now appends a timestamp to the exported file name to LiveRamp. This should result in quicker processing of these files by LiveRamp.

Serve: Reports launched 🚀
December 1, 2023
🌟 New

Total Vistors and Team Engagement Serve reports have been added to the Hub 🚀

Measure and understand how retail store teams engage with their customers using our clienteling product Serve. We have a serve article outlining how these reports work 👉 here.

Braze: Uppercasing Email SHA
December 1, 2023
🌟 New

Added a new feature to the SHA256 “transformer” in Activate that allows any attribute to be uppercased before being hashed. This allows Activate to better support custom hashing strategies for things like email addresses.

Lexer schemas: Updates to the example data
November 17, 2023
📈 Improved

Updated the example data in the lexer-schemas repository to demonstrate how to use the required email_id field in the email marketing event schemas.

Segment: Improved loading speed
November 3, 2023
📈 Improved

We've improved the loading speed when you first open Understand > Segment. We’ve optimised how we retrieve all of the segments in your hub so it’s lightning fast ⚡️.

Integrations: Email notifications
November 3, 2023
🐛 Fixed

We ✨fixed✨ an issue preventing email notifications from sending when integrations become disconnected.

Facebook pages: Disconnection status
November 3, 2023
🐛 Fixed

We encountered an issue in how we check the connection status of Facebook pages, this has been ✨fixed✨. Our status check was looking for a permission that no longer exists, which caused a number of pages to incorrectly appear as disconnected.

Twitter: Issues responding
November 3, 2023
🐛 Fixed

We fixed an issue preventing users from responding to Forms in Twitter message conversations. This impacted messages consumed using the new V2 integration.

Team: Duplicate groups
November 3, 2023
🐛 Fixed

We fixed an issue causing duplicate groups to appear on users in your team.

Lexi: General bug fixes
November 3, 2023
🐛 Fixed

We made a few improvements to how Lexi presents errors and tooltips.

Klaviyo: Subscription status
November 3, 2023
🌟 New

A new subscription status for Klaviyo has been rolled out.

DotDigital: Unsubscribing profiles
November 3, 2023
🌟 New

You can now activate a list that will Unsubscribe clients from your DotDigital address book making it way easier to keep your address book up to date.

Datasets: Bug fix
November 3, 2023
🌟 New

There was an issues showing when navigating Datasets as it was loading. This has been ✨ resolved ✨.

DotDigital: Adjusting address books
October 20, 2023
🐛 Fixed

We've released a new feature that lets you activate to DotDigital more accurately using "Address Books". You can now remove customers from your DotDigital address book via activation.

Forms: Colors and Files
October 6, 2023
📈 Improved

Two form improvements have been rolled out 🚀: 

  1. We've added a new colour option in the Design settings to color question inputs 🎨 This has resolve an issue some clients were having where inputs were not visible if brand/background colours are the same.
  2. Exporting form responses as a CSV didn't include information about files submitted with the form. This has been ✨fixed✨ File attachments received in form submissions are now shown in the CSV Export.
Listen: Increased search range
October 6, 2023
📈 Improved

We increased the searchable date range from 90 to 95 days 🔍 This allows you to query conversations across an entire 3 month period!

Datasets: Payloads are now interactive
October 6, 2023
🌟 New

Datasets introduces an interactive view for individual records payloads. This feature streamlines the process of delving into extensive or intricate events, helping you quickly locate the specific field you need.

Lexi: Beta access
October 6, 2023
🌟 New

We gave our clients beta access to Lexi Insights in Segment and Track. Reach out if your want to join the Beta program.

Forms: Class names added for questions and improved mobile scalability
October 6, 2023
📈 Improved

To make it easier for users to add custom CSS, we've added additional class names for each question that they can use to target specific questions. These class names will be applied to the top level card, elements inside can be targeted using CSS. Check out the Learn article to read more about it.

We have also way scale questions display when resized on mobile devices.

Forms: Radio inputs bug
October 6, 2023
🐛 Fixed

We fixed a presentation bug that made it appear as though radio inputs were not selected.

Mr Yum: Re-connection fix
September 9, 2023
🐛 Fixed

✨Fixed✨ the account reconnection process for the Mr Yum Connect tile. The tile was creating new accounts rather than updating the tokens for the existing accounts.

Logs: Improved table UI
September 9, 2023
📈 Improved

Enhanced the Logs user experience with a subtle update that now seamlessly refreshes the table when new logs arrive or an existing log changes state. A nice little UI improvement.

Schemas: Improved csv_to_ndjson examples script
September 9, 2023
📈 Improved

In the "csv_to_ndjson" example script within Lexer-Schemas, we've introduced enhanced support for CSV files that commence with UTF "BOM" characters. This improvement particularly benefits CSV files exported from applications like Excel.

Listrak: Large backloads are now possible with Listrak
September 8, 2023
📈 Improved

Improvements have been made to the Listrak integration to allow much larger backloads of data via the back-end.

DotDigital: Number of calls reduced
September 8, 2023
📈 Improved

To make sure we are in line with DotDigital requirements, and avoid rate limiting, the number of calls made has been reduced.

Bronto: Retired
August 25, 2023
🌟 New

The Bronto integration has been retired.

Datasets: Country field updated
August 25, 2023
📈 Improved

The [.code]country[.code] field on Customer records in datasets now also supports countries encoded in ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (e.g. “AUS”, “NZL”, “USA”, “SGP” etc).

CDP: Currency symbols have been updated
August 25, 2023
📈 Improved

We've updated how currency symbols are displayed in Segment, Compare, Track.

Logs: Logs is now live 🚀
August 25, 2023
🌟 New

We've released a brand new feature, ✨Logs✨. Data monitoring in the Hub just became even easier with Logs. It offers a quick overview of your data loading and processing log statuses. But Logs isn't just for monitoring; it's a valuable troubleshooting tool too, ensuring faster issue resolution with our Lexer team. Prepare to revolutionize your data management experience!

Smart search: Brand added as a new default field
August 25, 2023
🌟 New

Added “brand” as a default field for Products in Smart Search.

Forms: Pre-fill form details with hidden fields
August 11, 2023
🌟 New

Users can now send forms to customers containing hidden fields in the form URL 🚀

  • Removes the need to ask for known information such as the email address.
  • Learn more here
Segment: Search logic improvements
August 11, 2023
📈 Improved

We’ve improved the search logic in the attribute picker to better match and display what you’re looking for!

  • Attribute matching and sorting has been improved to better match your keywords
  • We increased the number of Matched Attributes to improve discoverability
Compare: Reduced whitespace between elements
August 11, 2023
🐛 Fixed

We ✨fixed✨ an issue causing the Attribute Comparison in Compare to have a too much space between components.

Datasets: Clear data and Load data buttons added
August 11, 2023
🌟 New

New buttons have been added to Datasets to allow you to clear and load data.

  • Clear Data: Starts a job that will remove data from the dataset, the dataset itself wont be deleted. This may take up an hour and can't be undone.
  • Load Data: Begins a job that will load new profile data to your dataset. This may take up an hour. Once you start you can't re-run it until finished.
Shopify: Huge speed improvement 🚀
August 11, 2023
📈 Improved

Implemented an enormous speed improvement for our Shopify integration. We are now able to backload 5.5M orders in 5 days. This was accomplished by removing the dependency on the "transactions" stream that involved making an individual GET request for every single order in the "orders" stream.

Shopify: Updated store name attribute
August 11, 2023
🐛 Fixed

Implemented a new Store Name attribute for Shopify because Shopify deprecated the previous attribute

Emarsys: Bulk import update
August 11, 2023
🧰 Under the hood

Added a capability to the Emarsys integration to allow bulk imported contacts to be pulled into Lexer.

Forms: File Upload question added
July 28, 2023
🌟 New

Users can now add File Upload questions to capture files (images, pdfs etc) in their forms. Customers can upload a product image, receipt, or other document as part of their forms submission. Users can download these files when viewing the form message in Listen or Respond. Files are not yet accessible in the Form Summary CSV export or as Attributes in Segment.

Forms: Iterative improvements
July 28, 2023
📈 Improved

We’ve made a few improvements to our Form Builder!

  • Date questions have been updated with new types of input validation based on before/after logic.
  • All questions updated with more dynamic validation error messages to explain submission errors.
  • Dropdown questions now support ‘other’ option to capture free form responses.
Compare: Improved readability
July 28, 2023
📈 Improved

Compare results were being displayed as a profile count. To improve the readability of these stats, this was changed to percentage of the total profile count for the attribute. For example in the data shown above, 53% refers to the 3,648 profiles that are considered high value last year out of a total of 6,932 profiles with this attribute across all time periods.

Compare: Attributes not showing in the attribute picker
July 28, 2023
🐛 Fixed

✨ Fixed ✨ an issue preventing some attributes from appearing in the attribute picker.

Respond: Templates not formatting properly
July 28, 2023
🐛 Fixed

Fixed an issue causing templates to insert without new line formatting.

CDP: Public Git repository lexer-schemas published
July 28, 2023
🌟 New

Lexer's [.code]lexer-schemas[.code] Git repository was published 🎉. This repository describes Lexer's public data ingestion API's and will be a great resource for anyone wanting to upload their own data. This repository also contains example Python scripts explaining how to validate your data against the schemas and upload them using the bulk write API.

You can access these schemas in a few different formats:

Facebook: Facebooks API upgraded to v16
July 28, 2023
📈 Improved

We have upgraded Facebook APIs across all Lexer products (Activate, Respond, Conversions API) to v16 as part of regular maintenance.

CDP: 12 month Spend Decile attribute updated
July 28, 2023
📈 Improved

Improved the 12 month Spend Decile attribute so that it no longer includes profiles with a $0 spend in the last 12 months.

  • These $0 spend profiles were highly skewing the distribution resulting in gaps in the 1-10 spend decile range.
  • This has begun to be rolled out to clients.
  • It will also automatically be applied for any new clients setup from the 27th July 2023 onwards.
Yotpo: Yotpo's API service disruption
July 28, 2023
🐛 Fixed

We have backloaded all missing Yotpo data for all clients as a resolution to Yotpo’s API service disruption dated July 14.

WooCommerce: Bug fix
July 28, 2023
🐛 Fixed

Some WooCommerce data was missing for some clients. This issue has been ✨ resolved ✨ and all data retroactively updated.

Emarsys: Empty field was causing and error
July 14, 2023
🐛 Fixed

We've fixed an error with Emarsys that appears when the data files we receive are empty.

Facebook: The Facebook API was upgraded
July 14, 2023
🧰 Under the hood

We've upgraded the Facebook API we use for Conversions to version v16 as part of regular maintenance.

Segment: We've improved search performance 🚀
July 14, 2023
📈 Improved

Segment queries are now much faster. Searches in the Segment builder should show summary results in a few seconds. This update has been deployed to all Hubs.

Segment: We've updated the way we display Spend, Count, Orders and Percentage attributes
July 14, 2023
📈 Improved

We updated the default display type for Spend, Orders, Counts, and Percentage attributes to show the average value instead of the percentile chart. The goal here is to make it easier to quickly analyse your search results.

Respond: Templates bug fix
July 14, 2023
🐛 Fixed

We fixed an issue causing templates to insert into the rich text editor with incorrect formatting.

CDP: UI bug fix
July 14, 2023
🐛 Fixed

We fixed an issue causing the labels on some tabs (eg in Settings and Respond) to be pushed out of view, cutting off the text.

LiveRamp: Huge speed improvement to Liveramp activation!
June 30, 2023
📈 Improved

The LiveRamp activation has had a whopping 30% reduction in median activation time due to some clever improvements to the Elasticsearch. A huge win for any LiveRamp users!

Facebook Offline conversions: Updates to the the API
June 30, 2023
📈 Improved

Facebook has recently made updates to the Facebook Conversions API, introducing a new feature called "Facebook Datasets". As a result, Lexer has also updated their Conversions API activations to align with these changes.

Integration: Bug fixes
June 30, 2023
🐛 Fixed

Small bug fixes were carried out to improve the functionality of a few integrations:

  • ✨ Resolved ✨Updated Mailchimp integration to enforce ISO8601 dates.
  • ✨ Resolved ✨Updated references of “Offline Event Sets” to “Facebook Datasets” in the Hub to reflect changes to the Facebook Conversions API.
  • ✨ Resolved ✨ Fixed an issue with Nosto(beta) activations that was sending all the profiles in a segment, all the time.
  • ✨ Resolved ✨ We now more gracefully handle intermittent errors from the Nosto(beta) API, so it's more stable.
Shopify: Updates to the the API
June 30, 2023
🧰 Under the hood

We’ve upgraded the Shopify integration to use API v2022-10 as part of regular maintenance.

Facebook Offline conversions: Hub raises an error if not a dataset
June 30, 2023
🧰 Under the hood

As a part of the Facebook Conversions API changes, we now correctly raise an error if the Facebook Dataset ID is invalid.

Forms: Iterative improvements
June 30, 2023
📈 Improved

An iterative approach to product design means more updates just the way you need them 😉

  1. We’ve updated the Net Promoter Score (NPS) question type to display with a scale of 0-10 instead of 1-10. This follows the standard methodology for capturing NPS feedback.
  2. We’ve updated the Scale question type to provide improved controls for the min and max values. You can now create a Scale question with a minimum value of 0-1 and a maximum value of 2-10.
  3. We’ve updated the Image block to have additional context about the recommended image size and dimensions making exactly what is required clearer.
Forms: Bug fixes
June 30, 2023
🐛 Fixed

Small bug fixes were carried out on Forms:

  • ✨ Resolved ✨ We've improved unification of email addresses submitted with uppercase characters.
  • ✨ Resolved ✨ an issue where submission volumes were double counted causing inflated metrics.
  • ✨ Resolved ✨ a styling issue with the required asterisk on Legal question blocks.
Respond: Rich text editor
June 30, 2023
🐛 Fixed

The Respond rich text editor was cutting off content. We've ✨ resolved ✨ this by making it resize as content is inserted, allowing user to view their entire response without needing to scroll.

Datasets: Say hello to Datasets 🚀
June 16, 2023
🌟 New

Datasets provides customer-centric retailers with the tools to take control of the data powering their CDP. 

Datasets unlocks:

  • More visibility and control
  • Greater insights and analysis
  • Faster validation and troubleshooting

Learn more about Datasets here!

Yotpo: Standardized transform and improved enrichment
June 16, 2023
🌟 New

Yotpo now has a brand new standard transform! Every Yotpo deployment will now have a dataset, standardized attribute names, and separate enrichments for loyalty and reviews.

Learn more about Yotpo here.

Attentive: Can now support email events
June 16, 2023
🌟 New

You can now get email event data sent from Attentive to your Lexer Hub. All you have to do is contact Attentive to let them know you would like your email events sent via your Lexer SFTP feed. 

Learn more about Attentive here.

CDP: Group Hubs can now view brand Hub data and vice versa
June 16, 2023
🌟 New

Group hubs can now view their Brand Hub data and vice versa by viewing a shared group Hub, Elasticsearch index! This allows large clients, with diverse brand and region combinations, to have a more seamless experience moving between Hub and Brand data.

Google Ads: Updated error messages for clarity
June 16, 2023
📈 Improved

Authentication error messages related to the Google Ads integration are now clearer. 

Learn more about Google Ads here.

Mr Yum Connect: Updated rate limit
June 16, 2023
🐛 Fixed

Mr Yum adjusted their API rate limit. To make sure there are no hiccups, we’ve made sure that our API aligns with their new standards.

Learn more about Mr Yum Connect here.

Forms: Rich text editor! 🚀
June 16, 2023
🌟 New

We’ve added rich text editing to form text blocks, question descriptions and thank you page text. The main value in rich text editing is the ability to add links to your website / ecommerce store to drive traffic and sales.

For more detailed information about Forms, take a look at our Learn article The Form Builder: Getting started guide.

Forms: Character count increase
June 16, 2023
📈 Improved

The default character count on long/short questions was a bit too short so we’ve increased this to 2,000 characters. 

For more detailed information about Forms, take a look at our Learn article The Form Builder: Getting started guide.

Forms: Bug fixes
June 16, 2023
🐛 Fixed

A few fixes were implemented:

  • ✨ Resolved ✨ an issue where users were unable to submit forms after encountering validation errors.
  • ✨ Resolved ✨ an issue where users were unable to edit character count rules after publishing forms.

For more detailed information about Forms, take a look at our Learn article The Form Builder: Getting started guide.

Forms: Iterative improvements based on customer feedback
June 2, 2023
📈 Improved

We’ve made a few improvements to our Form Builder!

We have:

  • Improved the general performance of loading forms with lots of questions.
  • Improved the way we display the number of questions on a page.

  • Added a confirmation window when deleting a page - just to make sure!

For more detailed information about Forms, take a look at our Learn article The Form Builder: Getting started guide.

Forms: Bug fixes
June 2, 2023
🐛 Fixed

A few fixes were implemented:

  • ✨ Resolved ✨ an issue that submitted a user’s form multiple times when they clicked Submit. 
  • ✨ Resolved ✨ an issue with form favicon images not displaying at the top of your browser.

For more detailed information about Forms, take a look at our Learn article The Form Builder: Getting started guide.

Movio: Integration updated
June 2, 2023
🐛 Fixed

Movio made some adjustments to their API that required a small update to the integration. 

Learn more about Movio here.

Welcome to Lexer!
Getting started
Our glossary
Getting started
My account
Manage team
Group permissions
Out of the box segments
Lexi your AI companion
Browser guide
Corporate networks
Emergency contact
Multi-factor authentication
Single sign-on
Lexer's Identity Resolution
Identity Resolution
Lexer's ultimate troubleshooting guide
Troubleshooting tech issues
Troubleshooting integrations
Troubleshooting Activate
Troubleshooting Respond
Help! My data is missing from the Hub
How data is ingested into the CDP
Self Serve Onboarding
Getting started onboarding data
Self Serve Onboarding
Understanding APIs at Lexer
Self Serve Onboarding
Providing JSON data to Lexer
Self Serve Onboarding
Providing CSV data to Lexer
Self Serve Onboarding
Upload using SFTP
Self Serve Onboarding
Upload using S3
Self Serve Onboarding
Lexer data specification
Data Specification
Customer data specification
Data Specification
Commerce data specification
Data Specification
Marketing data specification
Data Specification
Compliance data specification
Data Specification
Rate limits
Product imagery
Currency conversion
Dataset management
Activity API
Visualize API
Hidden from nav
Lexer Javascript Tag basics
Javascript Tag
Export to CSV
Data in Lexer's CDXP
Customer Data
Data source - CRM
Customer Data
Data source - Email
Customer Data
Partner data
Secure file upload
Customer Data
Segment overview
Creating segments
Smart Search
Export attribute results
Contact a customer
Fixing a disabled segment
Profile tab
Lexer's attributes
Predictive attributes
Attribute value types
Compare segments
Compare attributes
Activate overview
Ongoing activations
Audience splits
A/B splits
Control group splits
Inbox filtering
Ignored Senders
Forms for service
Workflow states
Bulk changes
Scheduled replies
Message templates
Customer profiles
Grouped messages
Automation rules
Redact messages
Where do your best customers live? Use geographic insights to maximize media spend and conversion
Where do your best customers live? Use geographic insights to maximize media spend and conversion
Suppression audiences: How to use them and maximize your media effectiveness
Suppression audiences: How to use them and maximize your media effectiveness
Measure campaign effectiveness: Track your KPIs and report on campaign performance
Measure campaign effectiveness: Track your KPIs and report on campaign performance
Converting prospects: Acquire customers from your current, engaged prospect base (and save your ad spend!)
Converting prospects: Acquire customers from your current, engaged prospect base (and save your ad spend!)
Understanding customer intent: Effective message personalization for buyers who shop outside their gender
Understanding customer intent: Effective message personalization for buyers who shop outside their gender
Deepen customer understanding: Use third-party data to identify insights for personalized messaging and increased engagement
Deepen customer understanding: Use third-party data to identify insights for personalized messaging and increased engagement
Basket analysis: Increasing customer lifetime value through targeted product bundling
Basket analysis: Increasing customer lifetime value through targeted product bundling
Persona building: Personalize your messaging for maximum return on your campaign investments
Persona building: Personalize your messaging for maximum return on your campaign investments
Driving customer loyalty: Identify, keep, and grow your most loyal customers
Driving customer loyalty: Identify, keep, and grow your most loyal customers
Increasing customer lifetime value: Upselling strategies
Increasing customer lifetime value: Upselling strategies
Reactivating lapsed customers: Retention and growth
Reactivating lapsed customers: Retention and growth
Welcome offer strategies: Using the Hub for analysis
Welcome offer strategies: Using the Hub for analysis
Creating customer forms: Best practices
Creating customer forms: Best practices
Connecting your MarTech stack with Lexer!
Connecting your MarTech stack with Lexer!
Identifying win-back customers using the Second Last Order: Date attribute
Identifying win-back customers using the Second Last Order: Date attribute
Understanding customers' purchasing habits: Order Sequence filter
Understanding customers' purchasing habits: Order Sequence filter
Maximizing customer communications in Respond
Maximizing customer communications in Respond
Using Product Recommendation in the Hub to encourage repeat purchases
Using Product Recommendation in the Hub to encourage repeat purchases
Encouraging customer loyalty using birthday campaigns
Encouraging customer loyalty using birthday campaigns
Increasing customer lifetime value: Converting your one-time buyers into two-time buyers
Increasing customer lifetime value: Converting your one-time buyers into two-time buyers
Collecting zero-party data using Lexer Forms
Collecting zero-party data using Lexer Forms
Measuring your data over time with Track
Measuring your data over time with Track
UTM Creation Guidelines
UTM Creation Guidelines
UTM Creation Guidelines
Brand Assets
Brand Assets
Brand Assets
GTM guide to creating marketing materials with Lexer
GTM guide to creating marketing materials with Lexer
GTM guide to creating marketing materials with Lexer
How to use the Lexer Form Builder
How to use the Lexer Form Builder
How to use the Lexer Form Builder
Explore our standard integrations
Explore our standard integrations
Explore our standard integrations
Operating a CDP Practice LP
Operating a CDP Practice LP
Operating a CDP Practice LP
LP Sales Enablement
LP Sales Enablement
LP Sales Enablement
Video Training Courses LP
Video Training Courses LP
Video Training Courses LP
Purpose and Mission
Purpose and Mission
Purpose and Mission
Brand & Marketing LP
Brand & Marketing LP
Brand & Marketing LP
Stage 3 - QBRs and Customer insights
Stage 3 - QBRs and Customer insights
Stage 3 - QBRs and Customer insights
Client Onboarding Journey
Client Onboarding Journey
Client Onboarding Journey
Start your CDP Practice
Start your CDP Practice
Start your CDP Practice
Lexer Messaging
Lexer Messaging
Lexer Messaging
Pain point conversations
Pain point conversations
Pain point conversations
Lexer Ideal Customer Profile & Positioning
Lexer Ideal Customer Profile & Positioning
Lexer Ideal Customer Profile & Positioning
Referral Partner Program Overview
Referral Partner Program Overview
Referral Partner Program Overview
Demo Hub Guide
Demo Hub Guide
Demo Hub Guide