
This integration is in beta

integration is currently in beta.
As with all beta tests, not everything will be perfect. If you run into any issues, please submit a support ticket.

Connect your Braze account with Lexer

Braze is a customer engagement platform that gives you the power to create relevant and meaningful experiences between your customers and your brand. In this article, we'll walk you through connecting your Braze account with Lexer to build even stronger relationships with your customers.

Benefits of a Braze integration

Integrating your Braze account with Lexer provides a number of benefits, such as:

  • Import your Braze contacts to enrich profiles in Lexer.
  • Export Lexer segments to Braze as customer lists for marketing campaigns.

Integration in a nutshell

Here's a summary of how Braze integrates with Lexer:


What direction does the data flow?

✅ Data in: enrich profiles on Lexer.

✅ Data out: sending email lists for Braze marketing campaigns.


Lexer’s integration with this product allows you to pull data into the hub from these sources.

✅ Email

⬜️ SMS

Source method

How the system connects with Lexer.


✅ File (S3)

Destination method

How Lexer connects with the system.



Is this integration live and working?

Full Release

Lexer product compatibility

What Lexer products is the integration compatible with?

✅ Activate

✅ Compare

✅ Segment

✅ Track

⬜️ Listen

⬜️ Respond

⬜️ Serve


No attributes will be created as part of this integration.


This integration allows for some flexibility, the output of the integration depends on your available data and what you send through to Lexer. In addition, your attributes could be named in a different way to other clients. If you would like a list of attributes related to this integration, please email your Success Manager.


What attributes are created when integrated with Lexer?

Braze relationship

✅ Braze Record

Braze email engagement

✅ Click Dates

✅ Last Email Click

✅ Last Email Open

✅ Email Click Rate

✅ Email Engagement Category

✅ Email Open Rate

✅ Email Opt-In Status

✅ Email Source

✅ Email Subscribe Date

✅ Number of Emails Sent

✅ Open Date

✅ Campaigns Clicked

✅ Campaigns Sent

✅ Campaigns Opened


These are the standard attributes Lexer can create when you connect this integration, however, this will depend on the data available and what you're sending through to Lexer. Also note, your attributes may be named differently.
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss any custom options, please reach out to your Success Manager.

How do I integrate my account?

While there are quite a few steps to integrate your Braze account, follow this guide carefully and you’ll be ready in no time!

At any point if you require assistance, contact your Success Manager, or Lexer support (

You will need:

  1. Your Braze API key and URL.
  2. A Braze segment with all the user profiles you wish to import into Lexer.
    1. (optional) An additional Braze segment with user profiles that have changed over the last 24 hours.
  3. An AWS S3 bucket, either Lexer-managed or managed by you.

1. Braze API key and URL

Firstly, we will need your unique Braze API key and URL. For more information on how to obtain this from Braze, refer to their guide here.

  • To find the API URL, first log into your Braze dashboard, and take note of the start of the web address. For example, the web address could start with [.code][.code] or similar.
  • Using the mapping table below, enter the corresponding REST ENDPOINT in Lexer as the API URL. For example, if the web address of your Braze account is [.code][.code], then you enter [.code][.code] as the rest endpoint.
  • The API key can be found in Developer Console on the right of the Braze dashboard. Scroll down to REST API Keys to copy and paste the key (it should be in the form xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).

2. Creating a Braze segment with all user profiles

Next, you will need to tell Braze which profiles to import into Lexer.

To do this you will need to create a Braze segment with all the profiles you want to send. In most cases you will want all of them. See this guide from Braze on how to create segments.

On the segment screen, make sure the Include users from all apps box is ticked.

Lexer tip!
Profiles not added to this Braze segment won’t be pulled into Lexer.

Once the segment is created you can find the Segment ID we require at the bottom of the page under API Identifier.

2a. OPTIONAL STEP: A Braze segment with user profiles updated in the last 24 hours

Due to technical limitations with Braze you may need to create an additional segment for profiles updated in the last 24 hours in Braze in order to pull user profiles more efficiently.

Lexer tip!
If you have greater than 100,000 profiles in Braze speak to your Lexer Success Manager about setting up this additional segment as a one-off action. This will involve adding a number of filters to a new segment to check if in the last 24 hours a customer on record has: Last used the app, Last made a purchase, Last clicked an email, Last received a message.

Once this second segment is set up, get the Segment ID using the same process as the first segment with all the profiles. To read more about creating Braze Segments you can find their documentation here. Make sure to add the following requirements:

  • Under Apps and websites targeted - Select "Users from all apps".
  • In the Segment Builder - Add all of the filters indicated in the screenshot below.

3. AWS S3 Bucket

Finally, an S3 bucket is required for Lexer to import and export data to Braze so data on both platforms is kept in sync.

To start integrating your Braze account, let us know whether you’d like us to manage an S3 bucket for you. We will set up everything and provide the credentials you need to integrate your account.

Using a Lexer-managed S3 bucket is the preferred way of connecting Braze to your Lexer hub, and will reduce the amount of set-up required by you.

If you already have an S3 bucket you manage yourself, you may choose to use this instead. In that case, you will need to provide information about the S3 bucket yourself. Follow this guide from AWS to get the required information.

AWS S3 Bucket Regions: Learn more about AWS S3 bucket regions here.

AWS S3 Bucket Path: The path should match the path you specified when connecting your S3 bucket to Braze (this can be blank if you did not specify anything in Braze).

Once you have all of the above, you will need to enter those details in Braze as well, so Braze and Lexer can transfer the Currents data through this S3 bucket.

4. Update Braze AWS details

To do this, first log into your Braze account.

  1. On the left hand column, find the Integrations section and click Technology Partners.
  2. Scroll down and click AWS Cloud Storage.
  1. Enter the Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, and Bucket Name that you entered into Lexer. If you specified a Bucket Path in Lexer, you'll need to enter that here in Braze as well.
  2. Tick the "Make this the default data export destination" button.
  3. Once this is complete, press Test Credentials. If you notice any errors, please contact your Braze account manager.
  4. If you see no issues, remember to press Save. To make sure that's all done, refresh the page and see if the details you entered are still there.

And that's it! You are ready to go with Braze.

Setting up your Braze integration

Begin by opening up the DETAILS OF YOUR BRAZE SETUP.

  1. In the Lexer Hub, click on Manage > Integrations in the top navigation bar.
  2. Find and click the Braze tile, then click Integrate Braze on the right.
  3. From here, fill out the necessary details in the form as shown below.

Provide the following details:

  1. Enter a Name for the integration.
  2. Braze Account Authentication: Enter your Braze account API key and URL, as per 1. Braze API key and URL above.
  3. Braze User Export Segments: Enter the Segment ID you created in Braze with all user profiles, and optionally the Segment ID for user profiles updated in the last 24 hours. These segments are created as per 2. Creating a Braze segment with all user profiles above.
  4. AWS S3 Bucket Authentication: If your S3 bucket is Lexer managed, we will provide information for each of these fields via email. If these are managed by you, refer to the link on 3. AWS S3 Bucket above to get the Name, Region, Path, Access Key ID, and Secret Access Key of your S3 bucket.
  5. The final step, click Save Integration.
The final step!
Once you've added your Braze account credentials to the Braze tile in the Hub, please contact your Success Manager, or Lexer Support ( to complete your Braze set up and configuration.

How do I send an activation to Braze?

The Braze activation allows you to securely send your customer data from Lexer to Braze, and update or create your Braze segments with custom attributes.

Before you get started, make sure you’ve done the following:

  1. Integrated your Braze account with Lexer by following all the steps above.
  2. Built the segments you wish to push into Braze using Understand > Segment. If you need a refresher on creating Segments, read here.

Sending segments to Braze via Activate

  1. In the top navigation bar, select Engage > Activate.
  2. In the left-hand column, click New Activation.
  3. Find Braze, then click the Braze integration you want to activate.
  4. The Segments column will appear. Add the segments you want to push to Braze (in the screenshot above we want to activate the “Menswear customers” segment). The number of profiles that will be sent to Braze will then appear at the bottom of the screen.
  5. The Settings column will now appear on the right-hand side. Fill out the following information:
    1. Audience Name — This name will appear as a Custom Attribute in Braze containing all the selected profiles.
    2. Activation Tag — This will be an identifier we send to Braze, so we can link it back to this activation at a later date if required. While not mandatory, we recommend this be the same as the Audience Name above.
    3. Select whether you want the activation to be Ongoing (i.e. hands-free, runs every day) and whether to Notify you when it runs.
    4. Profiles Action — Check the appropriate action. In most cases you’ll just want to maintain your list.
    5. Measurement — Choose whether to append the activation name as an attribute to the included profiles. If ticked, you can create a segment in Understand > Segment with profiles that are part of this activation in the future.
    6. Audience Split — If your activation is not ongoing and you are appending the audience, you may choose to split the audience for A/B testing.
  6. Agree to the terms and click Run Activation.

Okay I’ve sent my audience, what next?

The moment your activation has been confirmed as sent you’ll see records begin to update in Braze. Your Profiles won’t be fully updated in Braze until after you receive a confirmation email from Lexer advising that your activation is complete.

Once you receive our email confirmation, you can now use these profiles as an audience in Braze!

When everything has arrived in Braze you’ll see your Audience Name, from the activation above, is now a Custom Attribute on Braze.

Note that Braze can hold only 100 custom attributes, so be sure to keep on top of this. This article from Braze talks about this in detail. Let your Lexer Success Manager know as you get close to this limit.

Braze attributes

The activation permits you to send and update the following custom attributes in Braze.

Attribute Explanation
External ID Non-Braze user ID.
Bio Bio included on user’s account/profile.
Country Country provided in a user’s account.
Date of birth Date of birth provided in a user’s account.
Email Email address provided in a user’s account.
Email subscriber Identifier for whether or not the user has subscribed to emails.
First name First name provided in a user’s account.
Gender Gender provided in a user’s account.
Home City Home City provided in a user’s account.
Image URL Image URL included in a piece of content.
Last name Last name provided on a user’s account.
Phone Phone number provided in a user’s account.
Custom string For storing user input, such as a favorite brand, phone number, or a last search string within your application.
Custom boolean For storing subscription statuses, and other simple binary data about your users. This allows you to find users that have confirmed a true/false value, as well as those with no record of that attribute recorded yet.
Custom float AKA: standard integers and decimals. Examples include recording shoe size, waist size, number of times a user has viewed a certain product feature, or category.
Custom integer AKA: incrementing integer custom attributes. Useful for storing the number of times a given action or event has occurred without counting against your data cap.
Custom array Array attributes are good for storing related lists of information about your users. For example, storing the last 100 pieces of content a user watched within an array would allow specific interest segmentation.
Custom date For storing the last time a specific action was taken, so you can offer content specific re-engagement messaging to your users. Date filters using relative dates, such as “more than 1 day ago”, or “less than 2 days ago”.

Braze terminology

  • Identity segment: A group of customers identified by selected attributes, like a segment in Lexer Segment.
  • Custom attribute: An identifier tailored to your needs - this could be products, or stores, for example.

You're done!

Congratulations, your account should now be integrated and activated in Lexer. We've gone through what Braze is, the type of integration it is, its benefits, and how to integrate and activate it. There's a lot of steps to follow here and if you feel stuck or confused please don't hesitate to reach out to Lexer Support ( if you need any help.

July 3, 2024
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