Twitter data

How does Lexer connect with Twitter?

Lexer integrates directly with both Twitter, and Twitter Ads. In this article, we’ll explain what data we currently support through both APIs, and how they might impact your work in Lexer.

Twitter for Insight and Customer Service

Lexer is always consuming data from Twitter’s public API. This enables Lexer to consume data from Twitter, based on keywords, and public Twitter accounts.

When you integrate your Twitter account, we can then also consume all Direct Messages sent to, and created by your Twitter account. Your account must be integrated for Direct Messages to be consumed.

Find out how to integrate your account here.

In the context of Insight & Service, Twitter content takes two forms:

  • Public Tweets
  • Direct Messages

Public Tweets

We consume Public Tweets using the following methods:

Method Detail Example
Monitored Terms We use monitored terms to identify and save public Tweets We save every Tweet that mentions “Melbourne”
Monitored Accounts We monitor public accounts and save content as it is created We save all content created by, and sent to @camplexer
Timelines We can import the public history of content created by an account The history of @camplexer

We do not save the entire universe of Twitter content, nor do we consume the Twitter firehose: instead, we use monitored terms to identify & save public Tweets.

Direct Messages

Once you integrate your Twitter account with Lexer, you will also have access to DMs sent by you, to you, and your DM history. Only your company’s account will ever have access to your DM history; this data is locked down to your access only.

Lexer Schedule and Twitter

With an integrated Twitter account as described above, you can schedule and publish Tweets right from Lexer Schedule. For more information on Lexer Schedule read our Guide to using Schedule.

September 19, 2022
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