Bulk changes

Apply bulk changes to large groups of messages

Apply Bulk Change is a function that can be used within Lexer to apply Classifications, States, and Ownership to one or more messages in Respond and Listen. In this article we'll look at how to use bulk change.

How to bulk change

Whether you’re working in Listen or Respond, the process to apply Bulk Change is the same.

  1. Action > Apply Bulk Change (found at the bottom of the Deep Dive column within Action).
  2. Add or remove classifications.
  3. Specify the workflow state for these messages.
  4. Specify the assignee for these messages.
  5. Select the messages to update.
  • Bulk changing messages cannot be undone, so double check your list of messages before clicking Apply. If you do happen to bulk change a group of messages in the wrong way, you can update your search filters to find these messages and bulk change them back. Simply search for the classifications and state that you change the messages to.
  • Bulk change can be applied to a maximum of 2000 messages at a time. Re-run the search after you’ve applied the change to see the remaining messages in your search results, and run the bulk change again.
  • Assign to Selected list of objects will display all of the messages that exist in your Inbox or Live Stream. This includes messages in the New, Mine and Team tabs of the Inbox.

Bulk changes

And that's how to use bulk change messages. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Lexer Support at support@lexer.io.

July 7, 2024
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