Lexer data specification

Lexer has designed a data structure to automatically enrich your customer and transaction data into highly valuable attributes and segments to help you drive immediate impact. A reflection of our data structure can be found in the following schemas, each with a specific focus and their own set of APIs:

Customer Data

The primary customer record specification, which captures common CRM data, unification links, and custom data.

  • Customer Records
  • Unification Records

Commerce Data

A product taxonomy and transaction specification, linking product purchase and return records, to customer records.

  • Product entities
  • TransactionsReturns

Marketing Data

Including email and SMS event specifications to capture engagement against customer records.

  • Email Subscribe Events
  • Email Send Events
  • Email Open Events
  • Email Click Events
  • Email Bounce Events
  • SMS Subscribe Events
  • SMS Send Events
  • SMS Click Events

Compliance Data

A specification to support “forget me” GDPR or CCPA compliance requirements.

  • Forget Events

Together, these create a highly structured representation of your customers, their transactions, and marketing history.

Custom data

Your Lexer CDXP is capable of supporting data that doesn’t naturally fit within these predefined specifications.

The most common path for custom data sources is usually directed towards:

  1. Custom data on customer records - such as loyalty information, outputs from data modelling, or other data that relates back to customer identifiers, for example, an email, customer id, or phone number. This is supported through the Customer Data Specification via APIs, JSON, and CSV imports.
  2. Custom data on product records - such as hierarchical product categories, bundling, sizing, and so on. This is supported through the Commerce Data Specification via APIs, JSON, and CSV imports.
  3. Custom event data - such as store visits, app usage, and so on.
    Please speak with your Solution Architect to design an implementation specific to your use cases.

What’s next? Let’s take a look as some schemas

This page has outlined what data specifications we have available for your use and what to do if you need to support some custom data that doesn’t quite fit. If you need any further assistance, please reach out to Lexer support using the chatbot in the bottom right of the page.

July 18, 2023
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