Help! My data is missing from the Hub

Lexer is continuously updating and uploading data to your Hub, so you should have an up-to-date view each time you log in and use the tool. 

But, there might be times when you go to run a query, or build a segment, and find that data may be missing.

In this article, we’ll walk through when this is an issue and who you should reach out to if you need someone to investigate.

I’ve logged into the Hub and can’t see my most recent data?

Firstly, check in with your own team and confirm that you’re sending through all relevant data files to Lexer. Often, the cause of missing data is because we’re not receiving the files we need to be able to update your Hub.

If you have confirmed that you’re sending all the correct files to Lexer, then the next step is to check how long it’s been since the data was sent to Lexer.

When you send your data to Lexer, our team cleans and transforms your data into a format that will be accepted by the Hub. This means that sometimes your data can take up to three (3) days to appear in your Hub, ready to query.

If you see a delay of more than three days, please contact your Success Manager and they can liaise with our Data team to investigate.

What about data from my integrations?

Integrations are another way that Lexer accepts data into the Hub, and if you believe that data from your integrations is missing, it’s a similar process to confirm.

Firstly, you can check the Dataset Manager in the Hub to see when your integration data was last successfully uploaded. To learn more, click here.

There are a lot of variables when it comes to integrations data displaying in your Hub. For example, it can depend on which integration it is, how much data you’re sending to Lexer via the integration, any configurations you have set up, and any additional data points you have, per record.

As a general rule with integrations, if you see a delay of more than three days, please contact your Success Manager and they can liaise with our Data team to investigate.

Want some more information?

If you’re after some more information about data at Lexer, then check out our Learn docs here

Still have questions? Reach out to your Success Manager, or Lexer Support.

February 8, 2023
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