Guide to using Schedule

Schedule your social posts to Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn

Integrate all your accounts, preview content before it goes out, and keep track with a single view of your content calendar. Schedule is a consolidated workflow tool for drafting, reviewing, and scheduling your content calendar for Facebook and Twitter. Save time by managing multiple brands and accounts in one place, and scheduling weeks in advance.

Let’s explore the product, its various features, and how you can get started.


Before you can start publishing content from your accounts, you must integrate them into Lexer.

Content calendar

View your published and scheduled posts for all accounts in one calendar. Indicators will appear on the days of the month for each post on that day. A plus symbol will appear when you have more than 5 posts for that particular day. Filter your calendar for specific accounts selecting one of the integrated accounts below the calendar. Clicking any day in the calendar will load the posts in the daily planner column.

Daily planner

View the published and scheduled posts for a single day. This view only presents posts that were published via Schedule. A post may be a draft, scheduled, published, failed or deleted - with a status pill displaying in the bottom right for each post. Failed posts will send you an email alert with a link to jump back into Schedule and publish the content manually. Clicking a post will open the content editor to the right.

Schedule content

Schedule content from any of your integrated Facebook Pages or Twitter accounts. Create posts containing rich text, emojis, shortened links, images, and videos. To ensure you know what your content will look like when published, a real-time preview is generated as you go. Any links you add to the content will also load a preview of the image as it will display in Facebook or Twitter.

Adding a URL to your content will automatically generate a link preview. Facebook posts allow you to delete the URL from your text, but still keep the link preview on your post. This link preview will appear in the ‘Share Link’ section below the text editor. Tweets behave differently, by only generating link previews for the last URL in your content.

Adding images to your content will override any link previews from a URL in your content. Images and videos take priority over links.

Once you’ve crafted your post, you can choose to schedule for a future date, or publish immediately. You can also plan your content in draft mode if you’d like to review before officially scheduling.

Accessing the product

Access to Schedule is controlled by Group permissions. One permission exists to view the Schedule, another exists to allow you to schedule and publish content from your accounts. You must have access to a particular account to publish content from it.

Frequently asked questions

Question Answer
Why can’t I publish from this account? You must have permission to publish content, and also belong to the same Group the integrated Facebook or Twitter account belongs to.
Why did my scheduled post fail? Failure may occur if the connection between Lexer and your account becomes disconnected. We suggest visiting Integrate to ensure your account connection is active. Attempt to manually publish the post if you receive a failure notification.
What networks does Schedule support? Schedule currently integrates with Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
Can I save a draft for a particular time and date? Yes! You can plan drafts for review, and go back to schedule them.
Why is my link not generating a preview? We use the link preview generator supplied by Facebook. Unfortunately it does not support some websites due to the language setting configured, i.e. en_au. These link previews will typically display in Facebook and Twitter when published.
What media can I attach to my Facebook post? Facebook supports uploading MP4 and M4V videos, as well as JPG and PNG for image attachments. Suggested file size should be less than 5mb.
What media can I attach to my Twitter post? Twitter supports uploading MP4, M4V and GIF videos, as well as JPG and PNG for image attachments. Suggested file size should be less than 5mb.
Can I edit a post after it has been published? Not in Schedule. You will need to open the post and edit the content natively.


Image too large

To upload an image for posting, you’ll need to post content fitting the dimensions correct to the channel you’re posting on.

  • Twitter limits file sizes at 5mb.
  • Facebook limits file sizes at 100mb.

Allowed file type

Channels set restrictions on the types of files they accept.

  • Twitter accepts: GIF, JPEG, PNG, WebP, MP4 & MOV (mobile only).
  • Facebook accepts a large variety of different formats, read from a detailed list of video types here.
January 15, 2024
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