This integration is in beta
As with all beta tests, not everything will be perfect. If you run into any issues, please submit a support ticket.
Connect your Listrak account with Lexer
Listrak is an advertising service that uses cross-channel interactions to drive customer engagement, revenue, and loyalty through email, SMS, behavioural marketing, cross-channel orchestration, predictive analytics, and customer insight.
In this article, we'll show you how you can integrate your Listrak account with Lexer, and connect your cross-channel campaign data to build and activate detailed customer segments.
Benefits of a Listrak integration
Integrating your Listrak account with Lexer provides a number of benefits, such as:
- Connecting your Listrak data for enriched identity profiles.
- Creating detailed segments using customer data within Listrak.
Integration in a nutshell
Here's a summary of how Listrak integrates with Lexer:
What direction does the data flow?
✅ Data in: Enriched customer profiles in Lexer.
✅ Data out: Detailed segments that can be pushed to Listrak for activation.
Lexer loads these types of data
✅ Data
Source method
How Lexer loads data from this source.
Destination method
How Lexer sends data to this source.
What is the status of the integration?
Full Release
Lexer product compatibility
What Lexer products is the integration compatible with?
✅ Activate
✅ Compare
✅ Segment
✅ Track
⬜️ Listen
⬜️ Respond
⬜️ Serve
No attributes will be created as part of this integration.
This integration allows for some flexibility, the output of the integration depends on your available data and what you send through to Lexer. In addition, your attributes could be named in a different way to other clients. If you would like a list of attributes related to this integration, please email your Success Manager.
What attributes are created when integrated with Lexer?
These are the standard attributes Lexer can create when you connect this integration, however, this will depend on the data available and what you're sending through to Lexer. Also note, your attributes may be named differently.
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss any custom options, please reach out to your Success Manager.
Personal identification attributes
Email event attributes
SMS event attributes
Transactional attributes
Product attributes
How do I integrate my account?
Listrak has three APIs that Lexer can integrate with, and they are email, SMS, and data. Depending on how you use it, Listrak will influence which APIs you should set up. If you’re unsure, there’s no harm in integrating all three.
Each API integration requires that you supply Lexer with a Client ID and Secret, which you can create within Listrak (you can read more about that here).
When adding an integration to Listrak you must whitelist IP addresses. Below is a list of 9 addresses that you will need to whitelist so Lexer can retrieve and send data to your account.
Once you have set up your APIs, you can finish integrating your account with Lexer.

- Select the Listrak tile.
- Click Integrate Listrak.
- Name your integration to reflect the API integration being used, for example Lexer Email API.
- Enter your Listrak Client ID.
- Enter your Listrak Client Secret.
- Click Save Integration.
How do I activate to Listrak?
Before you get started, make sure you’ve done the following:
- Successfully integrated your Listrak account with Lexer.
- Created an activation to Listrak (reach out to Lexer Support ( if not).
- Built your segment/s in Lexer Segment.
Creating an activation

- Select the appropriate Listrak account for this activation.
- Add your segment.
- Update the audience name (if necessary)
- Check the appropriate audience action. In most cases, you’ll want to maintain your audience.
Have my audiences been sent to Listrak?
Once you have followed the above steps and your Success Manager has helped you carry out the last steps, you can begin activating your audiences to Listrak. To check whether these audiences have been successfully transferred, follow these steps:
- Depending on the size of the audience within Lexer, the activation will take a few minutes to run; if you've ticked the Notify me when this activation is run option, you will receive an email and in-hub notification that your activation has run.

*Take note of the size of your activation and the tag name within Lexer
2. Within Listrak, inspecting the updated list's field names will show that the activation tag has been added as a check box (if it didn't already exist from a previous run of this activation).
3. Within Listrak's segmentation UI, profiles can be selected with this checkbox set to true.
- Ensure that the same list which was updated by the recent activation has been selected for segmentation
- The number of profiles with the checkbox checked should align very closely with the number of profiles activated from Lexer
- Existing segments can of course be updated with "and" or "or" rules to include profile field name filters as shown above

- Select which attributes you’d like to export to Listrak Properties in the list.
- Ensure Append audience name to activated profiles is checked.
- Agree to terms, and click Send Audience.
Set and forget — auto-updating audiences
Lexer Activate permits you to automatically update your audiences within Listrak. With this selected, Lexer will add or remove customers from your audience as they enter and leave your segment.
Okay I’ve sent my audience, what next?
The moment your activation has been confirmed as sent in Activate, you’ll see records begin to update in Listrak. We’ll send you an email to let you know once an audience has been sent — the time this takes will vary, depending on the size of the audience.
You're done!
Congratulations, your account should now be integrated and activated in Lexer! We've gone through what Listrak is, the type of integration it is, its benefits, and how to integrate and activate it. There's a lot of steps to follow here and if you feel stuck or confused please don't hesitate to reach out to Lexer Support ( if you need any help.