Email Subscribe Date
Email Subscribe Date
The date a profile subscribed to receive your emails.
Using the Email Subscribe Date attribute
The Email Subscribe Date attribute is handy to use when you want to identify customers who have signed up to email communications on a certain date, or during a certain time period.
For example, you may want to identify prospects who have signed up for email in the last 30 days but haven't made a purchase. You could then activate this segment for an acquisition campaign you might be running.
To do so, navigate to Understand > Segment and then to the PROFILES MUST HAVE ALL OF THESE section of the builder add the following attributes:
- Email Subscribe Date > In the Last > 30 days
- Total Orders > Less than or equal to > 0

You can now Save your segment and use it in activations.
For more information on how to create segments, see our articles here.
And for more information on how to activate your segments, see our articles here.
May 19, 2024
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