This integration is in beta
As with all beta tests, not everything will be perfect. If you run into any issues, please submit a support ticket.
Connect your commercetools account
You can connect your commercetools account with Lexer, this will permit Lexer to import your contacts from commercetools as enriched Profiles.
Benefits of a commercetools integration
- Import your contacts as enriched Profiles.
Integration in a nutshell
Here's a summary of how Commercetools integrates with Lexer:
What direction does the data flow?
✅ Data in: import your contacts as enriched profiles.
⬜️ Data out: N/A — Lexer does not send data back into Commercetools.
Lexer loads these types of data
✅ ecommerce
Source method
How Lexer loads data from this source.
Destination method
How Lexer sends data to this source.
What is the status of the integration?
Full Release
Lexer product compatibility
What Lexer products is the integration compatible with?
✅ Compare
✅ Listen
✅ Track
✅ Segment
⬜️ Activate
⬜️ Respond
⬜️ Serve
No attributes will be created as part of this integration.
This integration allows for some flexibility, the output of the integration depends on your available data and what you send through to Lexer. In addition, your attributes could be named in a different way to other clients. If you would like a list of attributes related to this integration, please email your Success Manager.
What attributes are created when integrated with Lexer?
Please confirm with your Success Manager about what attributes might be suitable.
These are the standard attributes Lexer can create when you connect this integration, however, this will depend on the data available and what you're sending through to Lexer. Also note, your attributes may be named differently.
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss any custom options, please reach out to your Success Manager.
Personal identification attributes
Email event attributes
SMS event attributes
Transactional attributes
Product attributes
How do I integrate my account?

Select the commercetools tile, click Integrate commercetools, and enter your commercetools Client ID and Secret details. Then click Save Integration.
For information on how to obtain your Client ID and Client Secret, see this blog post from commercetools.
This integration works by providing Lexer with your commercetools ID and secret, permitting Lexer to consume this data on your behalf.