First Order: Product Category
First Order: Product Category
How to use the First Order: Product Category attribute
The First Order: Product Category attribute is a really handy attribute to use when you want to see what types of products your first-time buyers are purchasing.
For example, you may want to see how many first-time buyers have bought denim. Simply add the First Order: Product Category attribute to the PROFILES MUST HAVE ALL OF THESE section of the builder, filter for denim, and hit Search.

You can go a little deeper here too and add date conditions to your query as well. For example, you may want to find all first-time buyers who have bought denim in the last 30 days. To do so, add the Smart Search Product Purchased attribute to your search and then add the following filters:
- Order Sequence > In a Specific Order > First
- Order Date > In the Last > 30 Days
- Category > Denim
When you hit Search you'll get your segment!

This attribute is great to use in comparisons as well. For example, you can compare First Order: Product Category with Second Order: Product Category to gather insights into your 2x buyers and find out which hero categories you can market to your 1x buyers for your growth strategies.

To find out more about how to create segments, see our articles here.
And to find out more about Compare, see our articles here.