Average Days Between All Orders
Average Days Between All Orders
How to use the Average Days Between All Orders attribute
This is a really handy attribute to use when you want to know what the average window between customer transactions is. You can then use this information to inform the timing of your growth or retention campaigns.
Let's run through an example.
You may want to create a segment of customers that have made two purchases with your brand because you're planning to launch a campaign targeting these customers with the intention of encouraging a third purchase. But, when is the optimal time to send this campaign out?
Firstly, create a segment of customers who have made three or more orders.

Then hit Search.
Now, move to the right of the Segment Builder, and under EXPLORE ATTRIBUTES, filter by Average Days Between All Orders. Then click on this attribute.

A pop up will appear from the right giving you a breakdown of the average days between all orders for your 3x buyers. If you scroll down to Summary Statistics, you'll find the average, which you can use in your 2x buyers segment.

To use this information in your 2x buyers segment, add the following attribute to the Segment Builder in the PROFILES MUST HAVE ALL OF THESE section:
- Total orders > Between > 2 and 2
Then, in the BUT NOT HAVE ANY OF THESE section of the builder add the following attribute:
- Order date > In the Last > 173 days (average from above)
What this query is looking for is customers who have made 2 orders, but haven't made a purchase in the last 173 days, which we know from our information above is the average time between orders for customers who have made 3 or more orders.

You can then target these customers in your new campaign and hope they make that third purchase!
For more information on how to create segments, read our articles here.
And for more information on how to activate segments, read our articles here.