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Where do your best customers live? Use geographic insights to maximize media spend and conversion
Where do your best customers live? Use geographic insights to maximize media spend and conversion
Suppression audiences: How to use them and maximize your media effectiveness
Suppression audiences: How to use them and maximize your media effectiveness
Measure campaign effectiveness: Track your KPIs and report on campaign performance
Measure campaign effectiveness: Track your KPIs and report on campaign performance
Converting prospects: Acquire customers from your current, engaged prospect base (and save your ad spend!)
Converting prospects: Acquire customers from your current, engaged prospect base (and save your ad spend!)
Understanding customer intent: Effective message personalization for buyers who shop outside their gender
Understanding customer intent: Effective message personalization for buyers who shop outside their gender
Deepen customer understanding: Use third-party data to identify insights for personalized messaging and increased engagement
Deepen customer understanding: Use third-party data to identify insights for personalized messaging and increased engagement
Basket analysis: Increasing customer lifetime value through targeted product bundling
Basket analysis: Increasing customer lifetime value through targeted product bundling
Persona building: Personalize your messaging for maximum return on your campaign investments
Persona building: Personalize your messaging for maximum return on your campaign investments
Driving customer loyalty: Identify, keep, and grow your most loyal customers
Driving customer loyalty: Identify, keep, and grow your most loyal customers
Increasing customer lifetime value: Upselling strategies
Increasing customer lifetime value: Upselling strategies
Reactivating lapsed customers: Retention and growth
Reactivating lapsed customers: Retention and growth
Welcome offer strategies: Using the Hub for analysis
Welcome offer strategies: Using the Hub for analysis
Identifying win-back customers using the Second Last Order: Date attribute
Identifying win-back customers using the Second Last Order: Date attribute
Understanding customers' purchasing habits: Order Sequence filter
Understanding customers' purchasing habits: Order Sequence filter
Using Product Recommendation in the Hub to encourage repeat purchases
Using Product Recommendation in the Hub to encourage repeat purchases
Encouraging customer loyalty using birthday campaigns
Encouraging customer loyalty using birthday campaigns
Increasing customer lifetime value: Converting your one-time buyers into two-time buyers
Increasing customer lifetime value: Converting your one-time buyers into two-time buyers
GTM guide to creating marketing materials with Lexer
GTM guide to creating marketing materials with Lexer
GTM guide to creating marketing materials with Lexer
Stage 3 - QBRs and Customer insights
Stage 3 - QBRs and Customer insights
Stage 3 - QBRs and Customer insights
Lexer Ideal Customer Profile & Positioning
Lexer Ideal Customer Profile & Positioning
Lexer Ideal Customer Profile & Positioning
%{esp_name} Record
Indicates whether the profile is included in a particular ESP database. "%{esp_name}" will be replaced with the relevant ESP for example if the profile as a record in an Emarsys database this attribute would be listed as "Emarsys Record".
Read moreEmail
Address 1
A profile’s residential address, including a street number and name. Address Attributes are used not only to understand where a profile lives but can also be utilized for geospatial analysis, such as postcode studies for segmentation.
Read morePersonal
Address 2
An optional second address for a profile. This could be a postbox, or an extension of their first address (an apartment number for example).
Read morePersonal
Average Days Between All Orders
The average days the profile waited between all purchases. This Attribute is commonly used by retail customers to summarize information about what a profile purchases and what the window between transaction is.
Read moreOrders
Average Discount Percent
The profile's total spend across all transactions divided by the profile's net discount amount.
Read moreOrders
Average Discount Percent: Last 12 Months
The profile's total spend across the last 12 months of transactions divided by the profile's net discount amount in the last 12 months.
Read moreOrders
Average Order Value
The profile's average spend across each order, used as a search tool to flag orders of a specific time, group, or period.
Read moreOrders
Average Order Value: Last 12 Months
The profile's average spend across each order in the last 12 months.
Read moreOrders
Average Spend Per Product
The profile's average spend across each product. This Attribute is similar to Average Order Value but only contains information about individual products, not the entire order.
Read moreOrders
Average Spend Per Product: Last 12 Months
The profile's average spend across each product purchased in the last 12 months.
Read moreOrders
Birth Year
The year a profile was born, used for demographic segmentation purposes to search and categorize profiles into specific years.
Read morePersonal
Categories viewed
A list of all the product categories viewed by this user while on your website. Captured by the Lexer JavaScript Tag.
Read moreProducts
Channel of Last Engagement (Respond)
The most recent digital channel (Facebook, Twitter, email, etc.) through which your team has messaged this profile via Lexer Respond.
Read moreEngage
Channels of Engagement (Contact)
List of channels through which this customer was contacted using Lexer’s messaging product Contact.
Read moreEngage
Channels of Engagement (Respond)
All the digital channels through which your team has ever messaged this profile via Lexer Respond.
Read moreEngage
Channels of Last Engagement (Contact)
The most recent digital through which your team has messaged this profile via Lexer Contact.
Read moreEngage
Churn Risk
The profile’s likelihood of churning based on their historic purchases, represented as High, Medium, or Low. Typically used to suppress high risk customers.
Read morePredictive
Communication Opt-In
The profile has provided permission to receive marketing communications. This attribute may differ from records in your ESP. If you are using an ESP it is likely that ESP subscribe status will contain the most accurate data. When using Communication opt-in in activations we recommend excluding ESP opted-out/unsubscribed profiles from your audiences. If you are unsure which attribute to use, have a chat with your Success Manager.
Read morePersonal
Contact Queues (Contact)
List of queues in which this customer was contacted using Lexer’s messaging product Contact.
Read moreEngage
Contact Reasons (Contact)
List of reasons why this customer was contacted using Lexer’s messaging product Contact.
Read moreEngage
Contacted By (Contact)
The names of users in your team that have messaged this profile via Lexer Contact.
Read moreEngage
Contacted By (Respond)
List of team members who have contacted this customer using Lexer's messaging product Respond.
Read moreEngage
Converts From Email Marketing
Lexer's inferred conversion metric, determined by calculating whether or not a profile purchased a product within one day of opening a marketing email.
Read moreOrders
Cumulative Audiences
The list of audiences this profile has been included in, even if they have since been removed from this audience.
Read moreActivate
Customer ID
A unique profile identifier generated from the information you have in your company database.
Read morePersonal
Date of Birth
The profile's date of birth, used to search specific birthdays and useful for profile loyalty cases, such as offering birthday discounts.
Read morePersonal
Date of Engagements (Contact)
All dates on which this profile has received a message from your team via Lexer Contact. Attribute sourced from proactive outreach engagement from Lexer.
Read moreEngage
Date of Engagements (Respond)
List of dates when this customer was contacted using Lexer's messaging product Respond.
Read moreEngage
Date of First Engagement (Contact)
All dates on which this profile has received a message from your team via Lexer Contact.
Read moreEngage
Date of First Engagement (Respond)
Most recent date when this customer was contacted using Lexer's messaging product Respond.
Read moreEngage
Date of Last Engagement (Contact)
The most recent digital through which your team has messaged this profile via Lexer Contact. Attribute sourced from proactive outreach engagement from Lexer.
Read moreEngage
Date of Last Engagement (Respond)
First date when this customer was contacted using Lexer's messaging product Respond.
Read moreEngage
Date of Last Visit
The most recent date this user visited your website. Captured by the Lexer JavaScript Tag.
Read moreServe
Dates Visited
A list of all the dates this user viewed your website. Captured by the Lexer JavaScript Tag.
Read moreServe
Days Between First and Second Order
The number of days between a profile's first and second orders.
Read moreOrders
Device Used
The type of device used to browse the website. Captured by the Lexer JavaScript Tag.
Read moreServe
Did Complete Conversion
A flag to indicate the user completed the checkout journey. Captured by the Lexer JavaScript Tag.
Read moreTransactional
Did Start Conversion
A flag to indicate the user started the checkout journey. Captured by the Lexer JavaScript Tag.
Read moreTransactional
Email Click Rate
The percentage of emails the profile has clicked. Calculated by dividing the number of emails clicked by the number of emails sent. Please note: Click rates on some profiles can exceed 100% when emails are clicked multiple times.
Read moreEmail
Email Deliverability Status
Determines the deliverability status of a customer based on their subscription status and engagement in transactions. If they are subscribed or engaged in transactions, their status is considered "Active." If they are unsubscribed or undeliverable, their status is "Undeliverable."
Read moreEmail
Email Engagement Category
A profile’s engagement category as classified by one of: 1. Opted Out, 2. Opted In, 3. Opens Emails, or 4. Clicks Emails. Note: If a customer has this attribute attached to their profile and they have been classified as Opted In, then they will not have the "Email Opt-In Status" attribute also attached to their profile. They can have one, or the other, but not both.
Read moreEmail
Email Open Rate
The percentage of emails the profile has opened. Calculated by dividing the number of emails opened by the number of emails sent. Please note: Open rates on some profiles can exceed 100% when emails are opened multiple times.
Read moreEmail
Email Source
The website, platform, or process by which this email was first captured in your system.
Read moreEmail
Email Subscription Status (Unsubscribed, Transactional, Subscribed, Undeliverable)
Indicates the email subscription status of the profile. The status can fall into one of the following categories: Unsubscribed, Transactional, Subscribed and Undeliverable.
Read moreEmail
Email/Email address
The profile's email address. Lexer typically uses this field as a primary identifier and will merge information about this profile from different sources if the email address is a match.
Read morePersonal
Employee Flag
Defines whether the profile is an employee. It’s useful for suppressing them from messages, ad campaigns, and excluding them from your searches.
Read morePersonal
First Contacted By (Contact)
The first user in your team who messaged this profile via Lexer Respond. Attribute sourced from proactive outreach engagement from Lexer.
Read moreEngage
First Contacted By (Respond)
Name of the first team member who contacted this customer using Lexer's messaging product Respond.
Read moreEngage
First Name
The profile's first name, useful for searching by name or addressing people specifically. For example, you might want to email your top 20 shoppers and refer to them specifically in your email.
Read morePersonal
First Order: Average Discount Percent
The profile's total spend for their first order divided by the order net discount amount, used across segments to determine the value of a profile.
Read moreOrders
First Order: Channel
The channel used for the profile's first transaction. Identifies whether the customer initially engaged through online or offline. Useful for analyzing acquisition sources and understanding initial channel preferences.
Read moreOrders
First Order: Date
The profile's first order date, used to define the volumes of acquisitions in a specific date range. The average value is used to work out how valuable the first purchases are.
Read moreOrders
First Order: Product Brand
The product brands purchased by the profile in their first order. With customers that own multiple brands, using this attribute can clarify the relationship profiles have with your brands.
Read moreProducts
First Order: Product Category
The product category names the profile has purchased in their first order. Useful for segmentation at the category level, which will capture larger groups of profiles rather than by specific product names.
Read moreProducts
First Order: Product Color
The colors of products purchased by the profile in their first order, used to target specific profiles based on the color preferences, allowing for further personalization and recommendations.
Read moreProducts
First Order: Product ID
The ID of products purchased by the profile in their first order, used as an extra measure to identify a product, if their name changed for example.
Read moreProducts
First Order: Product Name
The name of products purchased by the profile in their first order, useful for searching product categories when other identifiers are not known.
Read moreProducts
First Order: Product SKU
The SKU of products purchased by the profile in their first order, used as a precise search tool for specific products.
Read moreProducts
First Order: Product Size
The size of products purchased by the profile in their first order, used as an indicator to establish if someone is buying for themselves or someone else based on the differences in sizes they purchase, allowing for further personalization and recommendations.
Read moreProducts
First Order: Product UPC
The UPC of products purchased by the profile in their first order, used as a precise search tool for specific products.
Read moreProducts
Full Name
The full name of the profile, populated by merging the values from First Name and Last Name.
Read morePersonal
The profile's specified gender, typically used in gender-based segmentation.
Read morePersonal
Generation based on year of birth. The "Lost Generation" are born after 1883, the "Greatest Generation" are born after 1901, the "Silent Generation" are born after 1928, "Baby Boomers" are born after 1946, "Gen X" after born after 1965, "Xennial" are born after 1977, "Millennial" are born after 1984, "Gen Z" are born after 1997, and "Gen Alpha" are born after 2013.
Read morePersonal
Hashed Email
The SHA-256 hash of the profile's email address, typically used to identify the customer without exposing the email address. Advertising platforms such as Facebook and Google require this format for custom audiences.
Read morePersonal
Included in Audience
A list of audience names in which the profile is currently included. If a profile is removed from an audience, the audience name is removed from their profile.
Read moreActivate
Inferred Gender
Lexer's inferred gender, based on the person's first name, scored against the probability that the name would be given to a male or a female.
Read morePredictive
Is a Customer
The profile is a customer and not a prospect, established by whether a profile has made at least one transaction with your brand.
Read moreOrders
Last Contact Queue (Contact)
The last Contact queue that has been used to contact this profile.
Read moreEngage
Last Contact Reason (Contact)
Most recent reason why this customer was contacted using Lexer’s messaging product Contact.
Read moreEngage
Last Contacted By (Contact)
The most recently user in your team who messaged this profile via Lexer Contact. Attribute sourced from proactive outreach engagement from Lexer.
Read moreEngage
Last Contacted By (Respond)
Name of the last team member who contacted this customer using Lexer's messaging product Respond.
Read moreEngage
Last Order: Channel
The channel used for the profile's most recent transaction. Use this attribute to compare with first order channel to identify preferred purchasing channels (online vs. offline) or track channel migration patterns over time.
Read moreOrders
Last Order: Date
The profile's most recent order date, used as an RFM measurement to understand who your current profiles are.
Read moreOrders
Last Order: Product Brand
The product brands purchased by the profile in their last order. With customers that own multiple brands, using this attribute can clarify the relationship profiles have with your brands.
Read moreProducts
Last Order: Product Category
The product category names the profile has purchased in their last order. Useful for segmentation at the category level, which will capture larger groups of profiles rather than by specific product names.
Read moreProducts
Last Order: Product Color
The colors of products purchased by the profile in their last order, used to target specific profiles based on the color preferences, allowing for further personalization and recommendations.
Read moreProducts
Last Order: Product ID
The ID of products purchased by the profile in their last order, used as an extra measure to identify a product, if their name changed for example.
Read moreProducts
Last Order: Product Name
The name of products purchased by the profile in their last order, useful for searching product categories when other identifiers are not known.
Read moreProducts
Last Order: Product SKU
The SKU of products purchased by the profile in their last order, used as a precise search tool for specific products.
Read moreProducts
Last Order: Product Size
The size of products purchased by the profile in their last order, used as an indicator to establish if someone is buying for themselves or someone else based on the differences in sizes they purchase, allowing for further personalization and recommendations.
Read moreProducts
Last Order: Product UPC
The UPC of products purchased by the profile in their last order, used as a precise search tool for specific products.
Read moreProducts
Last Order: Value
Last order value is the amount the customer spent on their most recent purchase.
Read moreOrders
Last Return: Date
The profile's latest return date, used as a quality measure for products.
Read moreOrders